摘要:歌曲《孟姜女》是由江苏民歌改编而来,而歌曲的“演唱”与“情感”具有较高的分析价值。本文从演唱中的呼吸、咬字、吐字、旋律、节奏以及形体表现力等出发,展现出歌曲的演唱魅力。从歌曲《孟姜女》中的情感表达,体会到歌曲的真挚情感。文章对歌曲《孟姜女》的演唱分析与情感表达进行论述,得出“声情并茂”地演唱,才能更好地诠释音乐,领会歌曲作品的艺术之美。39274 毕业论文关键词:孟姜女;演唱分析 ;情感表达;声情并茂
Introduction to the sing songs “meng jiangnv” analysis and emotional expression
Abstract: Song “meng jiangnv” is adaptated form jiangsu folk song, However the song of “singing” and “emotion” is of high value analysis. This article from breating in singing, pronunciation, namely, rhythm, melody and expressive form, show a song to sing .In the song “meng jiangnv” of emotional expression ,realize the song sincere emotion .In this paper, through the song “meng jiangnv” performed analysis and emotion expression, concluded that “affectionately” to sing ,to interpret music better, appreciate the beauty of the music works of art.
Key words: Lady Meng jiang;emotionl ;processing analysis ;affectionately
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