    关键词  地域文化  文化感知  景观设计  漕运广场
    Title   The landscape design for regional culture square --illustrated by example of Huaian grain transportation plaza   
    In the present case, the rapid development of urbanization in the world. As urbanization continues to accelerate, the appearance of the city's excessive to“stylized” and “models”, geographical and cultural characteristics and farther away from the people. The good news is that scholars from various fields of the world began to focus on the importance of local culture on the city's future development. Alas, geographical and cultural plaza as the embodiment of the city's major cultural connotation carrier, by the “fan” to influence political, economic, cultural, and continue to impact, making the area the city lost its natural and cultural landscape. Only by exploring the landscape design and expression of traditional culture, regional culture to retain or restore the original style.
    Water transport to local cultural heritage, in order to ease the process of urbanization brought about the loss of traditional culture, the people should be concerned about the regional cultural heritage and development. This article from the humanities morphology, water transport history and current situation of urban development on the departure, through the plaza local culture "to explore, protect the" type of landscape design, to restore and recover the local customs, historical meaning.
    Keywords   Geographical and cultural  Cultural perception  Landscape design  grain transportation plaza
    目   次
    1  绪论.1
    2  地域文化广场景观设计概述.1
    2.1 地域文化广场景观设计的概念1
    2.2 中国地域文化广场景观设计的演变历史1
    3  地域文化广场景观设计现状.2
    3.1 国内地域文化广场景观设计现状2
    3.1.1 南京汉中门广场景观设计案例分析2
    3.2 国外地域文化广场景观设计现状4
    3.2.1 特拉法加广场景观设计案例分析4
    4  漕运广场景观设计方案.5
    4.1 项目背景5
    4.1.1 地域文化现状5
    4.1.2 项目概况5
    4.2 方案设计构思与定位5
    5  漕运广场景观设计处理手法.7
    5.1 自然环境引入7
    5.1.1 布局植物7
    5.1.2 亲近动物8
    5.1.3 自然山水8
    5.2 公共艺术品及环境设施引入8
    5.2.1 史的还原9
    5.2.2 形的解构9
    5.2.3 意的提取.10
    5.3 空间形式组织.11
    5.3.1 轴线对称手法.11
    5.3.2 高差递接手法.12
    6  结论13
    7  致谢14
    8  参考文献15
    1    绪论
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