    Discussion on the Road and Paving Design of       Urban wetland park in Jiangyin
    With more and more people wetland importance, urban wetland landscape design has become a design project, and Road pavement design and urban wetland landscape important part Huangtu by Jiangyin urban wetland park road design and paving discussion and analysis of landscape design, explore and summarize, in practical design applications to solve problems. To the city's financial melted and wetlands as the theme, focusing on the environment by protecting existing wetlands and wetland reserves reached to transform the original landscape, to play its ecological effects, improved visual effects, providing people with pleasant and comfortable public park. Floor coverings also followed this principle, the overall ecological environment as the main body, the use of environmentally friendly materials, the use of high technology, both to create a good landscape, also reached the ecological environmental protection objectives. The garden urban wetland landscape design and landscape ecology closely to solve the landscape garden ornaments from the functional, ecological principles, aesthetic and cultural values and the use of resources such as a comprehensive analysis and research.

    KeyWords: Urban wetland park; Park road design; Road paving design
    1 引言¬-—5
    1.1  项目研究背景¬¬—5
    1.2  项目研究意义—5
    1.3  指导思想—6
    1.4  课题概述—6
    1.4.1 国内外发展存在的问题6
    1.4.2 湿地公园交通道路和铺装特点—7
    1.4.3 发展趋势  —7

    2 背景分析8
    2.1宏观的社会经济价值 8
    2.1.1 社会价值 —8
    2.1.2 生态价值 —9
    2.1.3 经济价值—10

    3 基地现状分析 11
     3.1 区位分析—11
     3.2 周边环境分析—11
     3.3 场地水文地质条件—13

    4 设计理念与目的 —13
     4.1理念缘起 —13
     4.2推导与演绎 14
       4.2.1 调研—14
       4.2.2 设计构思—14
    4.3 设计目的 —17

    5 设计手法与表现 —17
    5.1 设计内容—17
    5.2 设计方法—19
    5.3 细部大样设计—20
    5.4 图纸表现手法—22

    6 结束语—25

    7 致谢26

    8 参考文献26

    1  引言
        湿地被誉为“地球之肾”、“天然蓄水库”、“生命的摇篮”,具有调节气候、调蓄水量、净化水体、美化环境等多种生态系统服务功能,在各类生态系统中,其服务功能价值居于首位。一般而言,湿地指陆地与水域之间,全年或间歇被水淹没的土地,其定义及分类方式繁多。据估计,在1988年间,美国对湿地的定义不下五十种[1]。湿地公园(Wetland Park):是指以湿地良好生态环境和多样化湿地景观资源为基础,以湿地的科普宣教、湿地功能利用、弘扬湿地文化等为主题,并建有一定规模的旅游休闲设施,可供人们旅游观光、休闲娱乐的生态型主题公园。该湿地公园是具有湿地保护与利用、科普教育、湿地研究、生态观光、休闲娱乐等多种功能的社会公益性生态公园[2]。近年来国际科学家越来越一致地认为,湿地在文持生态平衡上所起的作用更为关键[3]。
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