摘 要:当今社会的科技和经济在飞速的发展,城市的现代化越发的深刻,人们审美和居 住需求,楼层的层数逐渐增高,住地面积将绿色的自然面积侵占,以致自然的萎缩和植被 的减少。屋顶花园此类栖息于建筑之上的绿地文化便如雨后春笋从景观设计中间迅速的发 展和被接受。屋顶花园具有环保性经济性和美观性,其设计理念、特殊绿化材料和在结构 技术构造应运而生。我国的一线的城市中已经有所推行且为人称道,可以看见这项技术的 前景是非常的明媚和阳光。

近几十年来,德国,日本,美国,韩国对屋顶绿化及其相关技术水平发展迅速,政府强行 推行修建屋顶花园的相关政策,并提供资金和技术支持。在德国,屋顶花园普及,几乎覆盖 了整个屋顶区域。在国内,北京上海广州西安成都武汉济南等城市开始发展屋顶花园。为 了满足各种功能的需求,发展面临很多的挑战。85928

屋顶花园有着特殊性和复杂性,是绿化技术,建筑艺术和现代技术的产物,使建筑物的 空间潜能与绿色植物的多种效益得到结合和发挥,是当代园林发展的新阶段和新领域,有 着非常广阔的前景。

毕业论文关键词:方敛    钢管厂    景观改造   屋顶花园

Abstract: In today's society, science and technology and economy in the rapid development of the modernization of the city more and more profound, people's aesthetic and living needs, the number of floors gradually increased, but the green natural area will be occupied, so that reduce the natural vegetation and atrophy。 The green culture of the Roof garden, which is perched on the building, is springing up from the middle of the landscape design。 The Roof garden has the environmental protection economy and the beautiful nature, its design idea, the special green material and in the structure technology structure arises at the historic moment。 China's first tier cities have been implemented and praised, you can see the prospects of this technology is very bright and sunny。

In recent decades, the United States, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the green roof and related technology developing rapidly, the government forced the implementation of relevant policies to build Roof garden, and provide financial and technical support。 The popularity of Roof garden in Germany, covering almost the entire roof area。 In China, the Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou Xi'an Chengdu Wuhan Ji'nan city Roof garden began to develop。 In order to meet the functional requirements, development faces many challenges。

Roof garden has the particularity and complexity of green technology, product of architectural art and modern technology, so that a variety of potential benefits of space building and green plants get together and play, is the new stage and the new field of contemporary landscape development, has a very broad prospects。

Key words: Square convergence ,Steel tube plant ,Landscape reconstruction ,Roof   Garden

目 录

1 前言 1

2 项目背景及现状条件 1

2。1 屋顶绿化项目背景 1

2。2 历史文化 1

2。3 现状条件 1

3 研究目的及意义 2

3。1 研究目的 2

3。2 研究意义 2

4 方案整体概述 2

4。1 设计理念












