    关键词 养老院,阅读空间,人性化,室内设计   
    Title            The interior design of nursing home reading space                    
      With the development of modern library (either broad or specific location of the library reading room) interior design have made great improvement and progress, but still there are some problems: If space is relatively closed mode simplification and many other issues, particularly the care of the aging population is not enough, so we should start from the perspective of the elderly to be designed for the reading room.
      To solve the above problem, the article will be placed on the starting point of physical and psychological needs of the elderly, to solve problems when the elderly read. Design space, physical and psychological needs of the elderly used in the reading room design, combined with the layout, accessibility design, traffic flow line, color, material, etc., a preliminary study on nursing home reading room interior design. This paper describes the background were the subject of the current situation, the old psychological and physiological characteristics of research, the elderly reading room layout and interior design of functional analysis of specific factors, combined with graduation analysis shows that applying thinking design after design elements in the actual case and, and, finally, I hope more and more people are concerned about elderly reading space design.
    Keywords  Nursing home,Reading space,Humane,Interior Design
    目录    I
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.3 研究的主要内容    2
    1.4 研究的方法    3
    2 老年人的生理和心理特征分析    4
    2.1 老年人的生理特点    4
    2.2 老年人的心理特点    4
    2.3 老年人群体对阅读空间需求调查问卷分析    5
    2.3.1 问卷介绍    5
    2.3.2 问卷结果及分析    5
    3 针对养老院阅读空间人性化设计分析    9
    3.1 养老院阅读空间存在的问题    9
    3.2 养老院阅读空间的解决方案    10
    4  针对养老院阅读空间人性化设计策略实践    11
    4.1 基于老年人生理特征的设计    11
    4.1.1 平面布局    11
    4.1.2交通流线    12
    4.1.3收纳空间    13
    4.1.4桌椅设计    14
    4.1.5无障碍设计    16
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