Abstract Small pier is the lifeboat, boats and other small vessels were important venues Paola, speed and other test and final test。 And this issue of improved small pier is the improvement of infrastructure, regulate the use of equipment to improve the site, equipment utilization mainly of a design。 In our boat penetration rate is low, ordinary people had little contact with the boat in the environment, it is expected to improve through the design, so that the dock into a highly efficient, stable, secure, efficient work space, on this basis may also increase ordinary people contacts, development of industrial and tourism projects。 We must first solve a series of problems existing venues, such as inadequate infrastructure, low utilization of space, to solve basic problem is to regulate the use of equipment, improvement of infrastructure, the development of industrial tourism and other activities。 In these designs, the improved process has derived from the use of safety equipment, visitors code of conduct, safety and other issues。 So small pier into a basic function can satisfy more profitable work space in the process of resolving these issues。
Keywords: Small pier; utilization of space; tourism industry
第一章 绪论 1
1。1本课题的目的及意义 1
1。2 小型工作码头规划设计现状 1
1。3 主要研究内容 2
第二章 现有码头面临的主要问题 3
2。1场地利用率低 3
2。2基础设施建设不足 3
2。3与人的互动性少 4
第三章 主要问题解决方案 5
3。1场地规划功能分区 基础设施建设 5
3。2 发展工业旅游项目 7
第四章 设计中的衍生问题及设计解决方案 14
4。1场地规划及参观路线 14
4。2不同人群对实验项目的适应性 15
4。3抛落塔主题改造设计 15
4。4龙门吊改进 17
4。5游客、企业安全问题 22
第五章 总结与功能展望 24
5。1增值功能 24