    关键词旅游纪念品  互动体验  定位分析  开发设计
    Title    Nanjing Museum souvenir design interactive experience                     
    The subject is the company commissioned by the actual project, finished products with all previous research mid production and post adjustment and final are to comply with the rules of market operation as the premise, look at the product itself to the consumer's point of view, the project design tasks of the very large, from the early to the completion of a total cost of about four months, after repeated revisions and adjustments, before deciding on the final solution.
    Paper under the current social and economic conditions of tourism souvenirs market situation, and a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the existing products, the Nanjing Museum, which leads to the interactive experience of concept and the concept applied to the mark on the products, guide the reader from the interactive experience of three levels of domestic and foreign tourism souvenirs are classified.
    to product packaging design and adjustment, the development of similar products in the possibility of evaluated.
    At the end of this paper explores the product development and design related exhibition application materials.
    Keywords :Souvenirs  Interactive experience  Location analysis   Development and design
    目   次
    1     引言 1
    1.1    课题简介     1
    1.2    课题研究背景1
    1.3    课题设计意义1
    2     旅游纪念品国内外研究现状分析3
    2.1    国内外旅游纪念品行业现状 3
    2.2    旅游纪念品在中国的发展趋势 4
    2.3    国内外优秀纪念品赏析 4
    2.4    南京博物院现有纪念品调研 7
    3      互动体验概念  8
    3.1   互动体验概念的定义  8
    3.2   国内外旅游纪念品在互动体验概念下的分类及效果分析 8
    4      毕业设计思路与制作流程  10
    4.1   体验同类产品分析产品优缺点   10
    4. 2  设计定位分析11
    4.3   提取文物图案绘制模板   12
    4.4  制作初期产品并修正弊端  13
    4.5  后期完善及系列产品开发   15
    4.6  产品包装设计   17
    5     产品开发评测   22
    5.1  毕业设计产品开发评测22
    5.2  同类产品开发可行性报告22
    结论   23
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