    毕业论文关键词: 城市公园;休闲文化;节点设计;漳州
    Zhangzhou leisure culture park node design
        Urban leisure culture in the park is a public recreation, sightseeing, sports, entertainment and other activities to carry out the important place, is the performance of urban culture, ecological civilization, is also an important symbol of urban development. In the continuous development and progress and improve the material and spiritual life of modern society, people for the interpretation of the leisure culture will be more and more rich, also will be more and more high to the requirement of space vehicle. People given expectations of social value, ecological value park also is increasing day by day. Park landscape design concept also constantly updated under the traditional ideas, add modern elements and innovative elements, in order to meet the requirements of the modern park landscape functions. Through new ideas and persity of space carrier to change people's leisure culture patterns, leading the development of leisure culture.
        Zhangzhou cultural park design is based on meet the demand of the city and the present people's demand for leisure and entertainment, started making park characteristics on the basis of city brand, at the same time the culture into the park, the pluralism of park design. Park as a whole area delimit a total is pided into five major parts, respectively, cultural exhibits, rest area of city waterfront walking area, sports leisure area and riverside celebration area. To create the people body and mind to rest garden place cultural and emotional identity.

    Key Words:City parks;leisure culture; node design;Zhangzhou
     目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    第二章 漳州文化背景概述    1
    第三章 基地分析及设计构想    2
    3.1 基地分析    2
    3.2 设计构想    2
    第四章 规划结构    3
    4.1 城市休憩区    4
    4.2 文化展示区    4
    4.3 滨河漫步区    4
    4.4 体育运动区    5
    4.5 滨河庆典区    5
    第五章 结论    5
    第优尔章 致谢    6
    第七章 参考文献    6
    第一章 绪论
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