
    摘 要网球是一项历史悠久,充满竞争力又极具观赏性的体育运动,它的起源可以追溯到历史的长河之中,同时又随着新时期经济的不断发展和人们日益提高的生活水平,不断得到普及和发展。在我国网球的发展也是如雨后春笋,势头十分迅猛,越来越多的受到各类人群的喜爱,网球运动正向着更加充满生机与活力,更加健康的方向迈进。




    Tennis Tournament Logo Design Inquiry

    Abstract   Tennis is a long history, full of competitive and highly entertaining sport, its origins can be traced back long river of history, but also with the new era of economic development and constantly improve people's living standards increasing constantly gained popularity and development. In the development of China's tennis is springing up, and the momentum is very rapid, more and more loved by all types of people, tennis is toward more full of vigor and vitality, healthier direction.

    As Li Na, Peng Shuai and other excellent tennis players shine on the world tennis stage, Chinese folk tennis in recent years, the rapid development of abnormal, many organizations, colleges and universities in the community, campus extensive tennis competitions, driving more people to join the tennis in the past. But we can also see the lack of a significant landmark and standardize the management of tennis great extent these effects CSOs game generated is limited, can not get a better development.

        In order to better promote and popularize tennis, tennis paper were brief overview of the tennis tournament logo briefly analyzed and discussed the significance tennis tournament tennis tournament logo for promotion generated, and gives the relevant practice.

    Key words: tennis;   logo design;   tennis development

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一、网球元素对于网球赛事标志设计的影响 1

    (一)网球历史对于标志设计的影响 1

    (二)网球场地对于标志设计的影响 2

    (三)网球球体对于标志设计的影响 3

    二、经典网球赛事标志的分析与研究 3

    (一)色彩设计分析 3

    (二)文字设计分析 4

     (三) 图形设计分析 4

    三、 经典网球赛事标志赏析 5

    (一)法国网球公开赛标志设计 5

    (二)温布尔登网球公开赛标志设计 5

    (三)中国网球公开赛标志设计 6


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