    摘要: 儿童作为一个特殊的人群,而在儿童阶段,如何创造出一个合适的活动空间让儿童健康成长,是一个需要慢慢研究的问题。每个孩子,上帝都赋予了他们不同的天赋。这无疑是孩子最重要的财富。作为建筑设计师,设计一个可以引导孩子再游乐中发展自己的天赋,或者让家长和老师发现孩子擅长之处的空间,空间设计在对孩子的引导中扮演了重要的角色。
    Display conveyed in the children's activity space artistic conception
    Abstract: Exhibition design is that is the main function of transmitting and communication , and is purposeful, children as a special group, while in the stage of children, how to create a suitable space for healthy growth of children, is an issue to be slowly research. Each of the children, God gave them different talents. This is undoubtedly the most important wealth of children. As an architect, a design can guide the children to the development of their talents and amusement, or let the parents and teachers found that children at the Department of space, space design in the child guidance plays an important role in.
     The important point is to let the child interest, let the children happiness within. For a young child, learn and play is usually inseparable, they are very fuzzy boundaries. So learning is very important, let the children enjoy the fun at the same time learn something. We shall create a space: as children grew older, his understanding of space changes.
    Personally experience museum is a set of teaching, recreation, leisure and parent-child interaction toys displayed for sale as one of the large-scale flagship center. Here, the parents and the baby will experience a one-stop recreation and experience of early christianity. This new concept system to share with the Chinese children are the most affected by the global kids education, entertainment, science resources, provide a three-dimensional growth space for Chinese parents and children, fusion of functional experience, play, activities, education and other, experience space give Chinese children and their families the most memorable childhood memory in the independent body. At home, outside the school "third places" let every child health, happy harvest, wisdom and dream.
    Key words: Health, happiness, wisdom, dreams, free, growth
    引言……    1
    一、绪论    2
    (一)研究的目的与意义    2
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展    2
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    2

    二、儿童展示空间的设计原则    3
    (一)儿童展示空间中的独立活动性和安全    3
    (二)儿童展示设计中视觉传达的运用    3
    1.    传达对象属    3
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