摘要:赵孟頫是元代文化艺术上少有的全才,诗书画印样样精通,以其书名冠绝天下,在 中国书法史上留下了灿烂的一章。他的“复古”书法思想直接影响了元初“复古”书风的 形成,赵孟頫是推动元初“复古”书风形成的领军人物。带领元代书法走向了“复古”的 道路,他的“复古”书风的主要是复兴晋唐古法。正因为赵孟頫以“古”为师,崇尚古法, 吸取百家之长,以“古”为新的思想,才能自成一家,形成自己的独特风格,被后人称之 为“赵体”。赵孟頫篆隶楷行草无一不精,被评为赵孟頫书法成就最高的就是楷书和行书。 本文主要从楷、行《洛神赋》为主要研究对象来阐述赵孟頫书法复古观,直追魏晋,以二 王宗,进一步又规矩唐法。赵孟頫不断的去探寻古法,从古人的书法中不断的进步,吸取 其精华,从而奠定了自己独特的书法艺术特色。”赵孟頫引领的书法“复古”观不但是个 人的艺术追求,也是书法历史上的一次重要转折,他的书法“复古”观,不仅是赵孟頫身 世经历和个人追求的选择。也是元代时代的需要,更是元代书法艺术发展的需要和趋势。75849
毕业论文关键字:赵孟頫 书法 复古 楷、行《洛神赋》中的具体表现
Abstract:Zhao Mengfu, the great litterateur and artist in our country’s history, has made notable achievements in the world of art and became famous throughout the world for the fame of his calligraphy。 Yuan Dynasty is the age of restoring ancient ways of calligraphy。 His calligraphic ideas of restoring ancient ways directly influenced the formation of calligraphic style in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty。 He promoted the formation of calligraphic style and became the leading figure in this field。 The main content of calligraphic style of restoring ancient ways in Yuan Dynasty is to rejuvenate the ancient calligraphy of Jin and Tang Dynasty。 It is because he learned from the ancients, heaped praise upon classics, absorbed the best of many masters, and regarded the ancient things as the new trend that he developed his unique style of calligraphy and echoed across the centuries。 Regular script and running script are regarded as the highest achievement of Zhao Mengfu’s calligraphy。 This dissertation is aimed to research the regular script and running script of “Lo River Map” in order to elaborate Zhao Mengfu’s viewpoints of restoring ancient ways。 Zhao Mengfu constantly explored and made progress from the calligraphy of the ancients, which laid a good foundation for his own artistic characteristics。 Artistic value and features of Zhao Mengfu’s works are worth learning by analyzing his viewpoints of restoring ancient ways from the aspect of the regular script and running script of “Lo River Map”。
Keywords:Zhao MengFu calligraphy retro manifestation of regular and script cursiuehsng writing in the ode Goddess Luo
引言 4
1 关于《洛神赋》 4
2 赵孟頫生平简介及艺术成就 5
2。1 赵孟頫生平简介 5
2。2 艺术成就 6
3 赵孟頫书法“复古”观在《洛神赋》中的表现 7
3。1 则古:以“古”为宗 7
3。2 复古:以“古”为师 7
3。3 融“古”:以古为新