    关键词:综合材料 ,写实绘画 , 表现手法 ,传统绘画
    Extensive use of composite materials in the traditional realistic painting is not a violation of the traditional realistic painting creation intention of the reform, have since ancient times the traditional realistic painting painter in the application and try, for example, people who use of mineral materials, to the contemporary realistic painting, always inseparable from the comprehensive materials are involved, the most familiar is Holland realist painter Rembrandt in the later in his career, there are a great deal of wear gold portrait, also used the gold powder to depict magnificent complex gold. So the traditional painting must inject more fresh blood, to make up for the limitations of the painting frame. I practice in the creation of realistic painting, from the pigment mixed with sand to the use of modern machinery printing slurry sputtering effect, every step around the realistic efficiency, using synthetic material enhances the realistic painting tension, makes the picture more visual impact and not be real and vivid effect of realistic painting the reflection of objective reality. The bold use of the essence of composite materials in the traditional realistic painting, just material and forms of progress, characteristics of the final effect still pictures and traditional realistic painting, the true expression of the objective things do not violate. In the modern installation art, behavior art, video art, promote and generally, the traditional easel painting art status influenced greatly by hitherto unknown. Using synthetic materials has a great role for picture realistic performance strength, used in the realistic painting is very necessary and urgent.                                 Keywords: comprehensive material, realistic painting, technique of expression, traditional painting
    目   录
    二、 综合材料的发展状况1
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