摘    要

目的:了解松滋市高中生的睡眠障碍与焦虑和抑郁情绪之间的关系,分析睡眠质量对高中生焦虑和抑郁情绪的影响,为提高高中生的睡眠质量和开展心理健康教育提供一定的科学依据。方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法,对松滋市城区三所全日制普通高中高一~高三600名学生采用问卷调查法进行研究,对睡眠障碍和焦虑和抑郁情绪进行人口学特征描述和差异分析。焦虑和抑郁情绪进行睡眠质量各维度特征分析后运用二项式Logistc回归进一步探究两者的关系。结果1、高中生睡眠情况在不同性别、年级、班别及户口地址之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0。05);2、高中生焦虑和抑郁程度在不同性别、年级、班别、户口地址、父亲文化水平之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0。05);另外高中生焦虑程度在不同母亲文化水平间差异也有统计学意义(P<0。05);3、存在睡眠障碍的高中生的焦虑症状的检出率高于不存在睡眠障碍的高中生,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3。713,P=0。041),主观睡眠质量(χ2=30。436,P<0。001)、睡眠时间(χ2=19。109,P<0。001)、睡眠效率(χ2=36。093,P<0。001)、催眠药物(χ2=8。075,P=0。004)各维度得分较高组高中生焦虑症状的检出率高于得分较低组,差异有统计学意义;存在睡眠障碍的高中生的抑郁症状高于不存在睡眠障碍的高中生,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3。985,P=0。046)。主观睡眠质量(χ2=40。636,P<0。001)、睡眠时间(χ2=17。722,P<0。001)、睡眠效率(χ2=19。919,P<0。001)、催眠药物(χ2=12。343,P=0。004)、日间功能障碍(χ2=4。064,P<0。001)。进一步做Logistic回归分析得出有睡眠障碍者相较于无睡眠障碍者发生焦虑和抑郁情绪的可能性分别增加1。69倍和1。48倍。。睡眠质量按照影响焦虑情绪的作用大小依次为睡眠效率(OR=4。32,P<0。001)、主观睡眠质量(OR=2。53,P<0。001)、睡眠时间(OR=3。07,P<0。001)、催眠药物(OR=2。04,P=0。001),他们均会增加焦虑发生的可能性;睡眠质量因素按照影响抑郁情绪的作用大小依次为主观睡眠质量(OR=3。61,P<0。001)、睡眠效率(OR=3。07,P<0。001)、睡眠时间(OR=2。37,P<0。001)、催眠药物(OR=2。36,P<0。001)、日间功能障碍(OR=1。54,P<0。001),它们均会增加抑郁发生的可能性。结论1。 年级、性别、班别、户口和是否为独生子女高中生出现睡眠障碍的比例有影响; 2。 年级、性别、班别、户口及父亲文化对高中生出现焦虑和抑郁情绪的比例均有影响。另外,是否为独生子女对高中生出现抑郁情绪的比例有影响,母亲文化水平对高中生出现焦虑情绪的比例有影响;3。主观睡眠质量、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、催眠药物是高中生焦虑抑郁情绪的危险因素,主观睡眠质量差、睡眠时间短、睡眠效率低、滥用催眠药物的高中生更易发生焦虑抑郁情绪。日间功能障碍是抑郁情绪的危险因素,存在日间功能障碍的高中生较不存在日间功能障碍的更易发生抑郁情绪。85242

毕业论文关键词:高中生 ;睡眠障碍;焦虑;抑郁;相关性



Objective: This study examined relationships of between sleep disorders and anxiety-depression in high school students of songzi。Search ways to improve the level mental health and sleep qulity。 Method: Stratified cluster sampling was used to survey 600 full-time high school students of senior grade one to three from three schools in the urban area of songzi。Conduct a descriptive study, and examine the relationships between sleep disorders and anxiety-depression。To further explore the relationships between all variables with logistic regression。 Results:1。Difference of high school students sleep qulity in different gender, grade, class and registered permanent residence address has statistical significance (P < 0。05);2。Difference between high school students anxiety and depression level have statistical difference in different gender, grade, class, registered permanent residence address and father's cultural level(P<0。05)。Another difference of high school students anxiety level in different mother cultural level also has statistical significance (P < 0。05)。3。 High school students with sleep problems have higher detection rate of anxiety than those without sleep problems, the difference was statistically significant(χ2=3。713,P=0。041)。High school students with high grades have higher detection rate of anxiety than those with low grades in Subjective sleep quality(χ2=30。436,P<0。001), sleep time(χ2=19。109,P<0。001), sleep efficiency(χ2=36。093,P<0。001), sleep medication(χ2=8。075,P=0。004) , the difference was statistically significant。High school students with sleep problems have higher detection rate of depression than those without sleep problems, the difference was statistically significant(χ2=3。985,P=0。046)。High school students with high grades have higher detection rate of depression than those with low grades in subjective sleep quality(χ2=40。636,P<0。001)、sleep time(χ2=17。722,P<0。001)、 sleep efficiency(χ2=19。919,P<0。001)、sleep medication(χ2=12。343,P=0。004)、daytime dysfunction(χ2=4。064,P<0。001), the difference was statistically significant。To further do logistic regression analysis ,The possibility of anxiety and depression with sleep disorders is 1。69 times and 1。69 times respectively repared with those without sleep disorders。Factors related to anxiety according to the size of the effect are sleep efficiency (OR = 4。32, P<0。001), subjective sleep quality ((OR=2。53,P<0。001)), the sleep time (OR=3。07,P<0。001) and hypnotic drugs (OR=2。04,P=0。001), they all can increase the likelihood of anxiety occurs;Factors associated with depression according to the size of the effect are subjective sleep quality (OR=3。61,P<0。001), the sleep efficiency (OR=3。07,P<0。001), the sleep time (OR=2。36,P<0。001) and hypnotic drugs (OR=2。37,P<0。001), daytime dysfunction (OR=1。54,P<0。001), they all can increase the likelihood of developing depression。Conclusion:1。Gender, grade, class, registered permanent residence address and only child have impact on sleep disorders;2。Gender, grade, class, registered permanent residence address and father's cultural level have impact on both anxiety and depression 。Another only child has impact on depression and mother's cultural level have impact on anxiety 。3。Subjective sleep quality, sleep time, sleep efficiency and sleep medication are risk factors of anxiety and depression。 High school students with poor subjective sleep quality , short sleep time,  low sleep efficiency and frequent hypnotic drugs using  are more likely to have anxiety and depression。daytime dysfunction is a risk factor of depression。 High school students with daytime dysfunction are more likely to have depression。

















