    In vitro antibacterial activity of common pathogens isolated from porcine respiratory tract of Gamithromycin
    Abstract:Porcine respiratory disease is caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites alone and / or mixed infection caused by porcine pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases known as a worldwide threat to the healthy development of the pig industry, an important disease. The cause of the disease complex, many pathogens. It is easy to be influenced by such factors as trans - group transportation, extreme weather, indoor temperature and humidity, feeding density, metabolic disorder, immunocompromised and so on. It has the characteristics of high morbidity, high mortality, low feed rate and serious economic losses. If the treatment is not timely, it will affect the growth and development of pigs, leading to low utilization of feed and even death, which will cause serious losses to the pig farms. In view of this disease, there is still a lack of effective vaccine prevention at home and abroad, and it still relies mainly on the prevention and control of antimicrobial agents. This paper intends to use the Gamithromycin for the object, which is the novel semisynthesis macrolide for animals.Then,The minimum inhibitory concentration of common pathogenic bacteria in porcine respiratory tract was determined by microdilution broth dilution method.At the same time,compared with the control drug tilmicosin,further evidence of its antibacterial effect, so as to provide the basis for the clinical application of Gamithromycin.
    Key words: Porcine respiratory disease;Gamithromycin;Minimum inhibitory concentration;Microdilution broth dilution method;
    目 录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    1材料与方法    3
    1.1材料    3
    1.1.1 药品    3
    1.1.2 试验菌株    3
    1.1.3 培养基和试剂    3
    1.1.4 主要仪器和设备    3
    1.1.5 试验时间地点    4
    1.2 试验方法    4
    1.2.1 药品储备液的制备    4
    1.2.2 菌液的制备    4
    1.2.3 药敏试验的操作    4
    1.2.4 药敏试验质控    4
    1.2.5 结果判定    4
    1.3 数据处理    5
    2结果与分析    5
    3小结    9
    致谢    9
    参考文献    9
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