摘要电能具有传输、分配、使用方便的特点,是目前最广泛使用的能源形式。为了满足各种用电负载或设备的要求,同时提高电能的使用效率,许多用电器首先将交流50 Hz的市电通过AC-DC功率变换器变换成直流电能,然后再转换成其他电压等级的直流或其他频率的交流电能。作为用电器与电网接口,AC-DC功率变换器广泛用于计算机电源、通信电源、节能灯、LED照明系统、家用电器、电动机驱动变换器、不间断电源、光伏和风力发电变换器、工业电源等场合。84713
传统AC-DC电力电子变换器由二极管或晶闸管组成的整流电路和滤波电容构成。工作时会产生大量的电流谐波,造成对电力环境的谐波污染和电能浪费,不利于可持续发展。为了保证电网的安全、优质、经济运行,维护良好的电力环境,许多国家和国际组织制定了限制电力谐波的标准。自20世纪90年代起,高性能AC-DC变换器的研究被广泛关注,这种技术称为有源功率因数校正技术(Power Factor Correction, PFC)。它采用功率场效应晶体管(MOSFET)、绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)等器件,应用脉宽调制控制技术(PWM),使流入电网的输入电流逼近输入电压的正弦波形,以实现单位功率因数。
PFC变换器拓扑有Boost(升压)、Buck(降压)、Buck-Boost(升降压)等类型。而按照控制策略可分为电感电流连续模式(CCM)、电感电流断续模式(DCM)和介于两者之间的电感电流临界模式(CRM)。本文将主要分析电感电流连续模式下Boost PFC变换器。并给出变换器主要参数的设计和仿真验证。
毕业论文关键词 电力电子,功率因数校正,Boost变换器
Title Designing of a Boost PFC Converter Operating in CCM
Abstract The Electricity is convenient to send, deliver and use, and it is the most popular energy style。 In order to match the demands of different kinds of load or equipment and improve electricity-using efficiency, many appliances first transform the alternating current (AC) to the direct current (DC) by a power converter, then transform it into other DC voltage or other frequency AC electricity。 As the connection between the appliance and the line, AC-DC power converter is used in computer, mobile phone, lights, LED lighting system, home appliance, electronic motor converter, constant power, solar system, windy system and industry power。
Conventional AC-DC converter uses the diode rectifier circuits and capacitor filter, which produces a lot of power harmonics。 To maintain the safety, quality and efficiency of the electric line and protect the power environment, many countries and international groups set the stands or limits of the electric harmonics。 From 1990s, the technology research of effective AC-DC converter, which is called Active Power Factor Correction, PFC, is taken into focus。 It uses MOSFET, IGBT and PWM control technology to make the line current tracking sin waveform with power factor close to 1。 PFC converter can be performed by Boost converter, buck converter, buck-Boost converter, and etc。。 According to the inductor current waveform and control tactics, it can be pided into continuous current mode (CCM), critical continuous current mode (CRM) and discontinuous current mode (DCM)。
This essay will introduce the Boost PFC working in CCM mode and provide main component design and simulation verification。
Keywords power electronics, power factor correction, Boost converter
目 次
1 绪论 3
1。1 谐波的危害3
1。2 功率因数及谐波4
1。3 功率因数校正电路基本原理4
2 CCM Boost PFC变换器的设计 6