    摘要随着近年来世界各国对环境问题的重视,清洁能源逐渐走上了世界能源的舞台中心。但诸如太阳能等一些新能源作为电源向用户提供电能时,出现了和以前老旧的发电技术不同的问题。由于新能源的自身特点,往往需要经常应用到这种分布式发电新能源技术。整个电力系统中就此多出了不少DG,从而节点类型变化产生了 PQ、PV、 PI、PQ(V)节点,导致传统的潮流计算方法不再适用。有鉴于此,本文研究了改进的前推回代之法。本文首先分析了各种新能源作为分布式电源时的情况并建立了数学物理模型,再将其节点类型一一进行分类,接着对各节点类型进行等效处理。然后绘制出了算法的流程图并且编写相关MATLAB程序。最后在IEEE33标准测试节点系统中本文进行了计算。计算结果证实本文所提供的算法绝对可以计算各种各样DG的潮流情况。19149
    关键词:分布式电源  节点类型  潮流计算  前推回代法
    Title  Study on power flow method for distribution system with
    distributed generation                              
    With recently  world paying attention on environmental issues, clean energy gradually took the center stage of energy in the world. However some of the new energy like solar as a  source to provide power to the user, having some problems that are different from the power of traditional centralized. As the new energy own characteristics, often need to be applied to distributed generation technology, the entire power system appeared a lot of more power generation, so the power node type appeared PQ, PV, PI, PQ (V) node, resulting in the traditional flow calculation method is no longer applicable. In view of this, we propose an improved forward and backward substitution method. I first analyzed the situation of new energy as a distributed generation and established a mathematical model. Then I classified the node type one by one, a type of each node is equivalent to process. Then I draw a flow chart of the algorithm and programmed the preparation procedures. Finally, making an example calculation in IEEE33 standard test systems.After computing data, it shows that the algorithm can handle power flow calculation with a variety of DG.
    Keywords  distributed generation   node type   power flow calculation
              forward and backward sweep
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2  课题研究的现状    2
    1.3  本文主要内容    3
    2  各种分布式电源的研究和建模    5
    2.1  风力发电    5
    2.2  太阳能光伏发电    6
    2.3  微型燃气轮机    8
    2.4  燃料电池    9
    2.5  各种分布式电源节点类型总结    11
    3  各种不同类型节点的处理    12
    3.1  PQ节点的处理    12
    3.2  PI节点的处理    12
    3.3  PQ(V)节点的处理    12
    3.4  PV节点的处理    13
    3.5  处理各种DG节点类型的方法总结    14
    4  含DG的配电网潮流计算方法和具体程序    15
    4.1  改进的前推回代法    15
    4.2  潮流计算过程    15
    4.3  程序流图    16
    4.4  潮流计算程序    17
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