    关键词  北斗导航  低轨定位  卡尔曼滤波  STK  MATLAB  
    Title  LEO satellite orbit determination based on Beidou navigation system                                           
    This paper introduces the composition of beidou satellite navigation system, working principle, the function and role, and its development and significance.The paper also introduces the Kalman filter algorithm, including the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF).The advantages and disadvantages of UKF and EKF is also introduced in the paper ,as well as their applicable situation.In addition, this study uses two softwares.They are STK and Matlab.
    In this experiment,firstly,I search for the basic paramenters of the thirty-five satelites of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS). Secondly,I make the simulation of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System by the STK.And then I get the visibility of the BDS and LEO satelite and related data and charts.Finally,According to the data by the second step,I make the simulation of the EKF of the LEO satelite by the Matlab.Then,after getting the charts and data of the simulation,I compare the observed value with the estimated value. Then I get the error of the estimated value.
    After completing the EKF ,I get the graph of the low-orbit satellites ,recording to the observed value and estimated value. Then I get the conclusion,that there is so little difference between the observed and estimated value. So the error of the filter is small.
    Keywords  beidou navigation system   LEO positioning   kalman filtering
          STK   MATLAB
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究进展    1
    1.3  课题研究的目的和意义    2
    1.4  论文结构安排    3
    2  北斗卫星导航系统    4
    2.1  北斗卫星导航系统简介    4
    2. 1. 1  北斗卫星导航系统的组成    4
    2. 1. 2  北斗卫星导航系统基本定位原理    4
    2. 2  低轨卫星及其定轨方法    5
    3  北斗卫星对低轨卫星的可见性研究    6
    3. 1  Satellite Tool Kit(STK)卫星工具包    6
    3. 2  利用STK得到北斗卫星对低轨卫星的可见性    6
    3. 2. 1  STK中北斗卫星系统及低轨卫星轨道的模拟    6
    3. 2. 2  北斗卫星对低轨卫星的可见度    11
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