    本文的研究对象是高超声速飞行器,先介绍了高超声速飞行器相关的研究背景、意义、关键技术、控制方法等基本信息。而后在NASA给出的官方模型基础上对模型线性化处理,得到高超声速飞行器纵向线性模型。再对系统分别采用极点配置法、LQR、LQG以及 控制四种方法设计系统控制器并比较各自系统的调节性能和抗干扰性能,总结各个控制器的优缺点。最后是对本文研究内容的总结和毕业设计期间的自我评价。19700
    关键词  高超声速飞行器  模型线性化  极点配置   LQR控制  LQG控制  
    Title  Control and simulation for hypersonic vehicle based   on linear model                                                 
    Hypersonic vehicle has the features of high flight velocity, high maneuverability and low cost, so it is of great strategic significance and has the value of civilian and military. Considering the strong nonlinear, serious coupling and model uncertainty of hypersonic vehicle system, it faces severe challenges in system modeling and controller designing.
    This thesis selects hypersonic aircraft as researching target, introducing the research background and significance, the key technology, the control method and other basic information of  hypersonic vehicle in the first. Then based on the official model provided by NASA, linearized the model to get the hypersonic vehicle longitudinal linear model. After this, the paper will use four methods to design the controller, which are pole allocation, LQR, LQG and   respectively, and compare the regulation performance and anti-jamming performance of the system designed to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each controller. The conclusion of this paper and the self evaluation during the period of graduation design are given at the end of this paper.
    Keywords   hypersonic vehicle  Linear model  pole placement   
               LQR control  LQG control    control
    目   次  
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  高超声速飞行器关键技术    3
    1.3  高超声速飞行器控制研究现状    4
    1.4  本文的内容安排    5
    2  高超声速飞行器建模及线性化    7
    2.1  系统建模    7
    2.2  模型线性化    10
    3  系统特性分析    13
    3.1  系统稳定性分析    13
    3.2  系统可控性和可观性分析    14
    4  高超声速飞行器控制器方法及仿真    16
    4.1  极点配置法设计及仿真    16
    4.2  LQR控制器设计及仿真    19
    4.3  LQG控制器设计及仿真    23
    4.4   控制器设计及仿真    25
    结  论    30
    致  谢    31
    参考文献    32
    1  绪论
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