    Application of Elevator car display controller
    Elevator in today's society has become an integral part of the vertical transport.However, the elevator control is a complex system,Requireing processing large amounts of information in a short time.This task requires the control of the elevator display design.Using LED dot matrix  simulate the display,and using stc51 MCU controls the elevator display.Benefits microcontroller based control system to do is not only to achieve control of the system, but also can effectively save costs!
    In accordance with the requirements of the mission statement, to achieve the upper and lower machine hardware and software design of the elevator display control, and to achieve the basic requirements of the mission statement at the same time to be innovative and expand.
    Design of the elevator car display controller consists of two parts: the upper part receives the keys and the next floor control LED display design section floor. This paper discusses the design process of designing the lower part of the machine.
    Key Word:
    51SMC;LED display;Serial communication;JAVA WEB;Java Serial communication programming
    第一章 概述    1
    1.1电梯概述    1
    1.2 开发板概述    1
    1.2.1 单片机简介    1
    1.2.2 普中科技开发板资源介绍    1
    1.2.3 80C51芯片引脚定义和内部结构简介    2
    1.3 设计方案概述    2
    第二章 电梯轿厢显示各模块介绍    3
    2.1 LED小灯    4
    2.1.1 LED灯简介    4
    2.1.2 LED灯原理图介绍    4
    2.1.3 简单计算发光二极管串联电阻值的大小:    4
    2.1.4 点亮LED灯简单程序设计    4
    2.2 独立按键的硬件和软件介绍    5
    2.2.1 按键简介    5
    2.2.2 独立按键原理图介绍    5
    2.2.3 独立按键点亮小灯简单程序    6
    2.3 LED点阵    6
    2.3.1 LED点阵简介    6
    2.3.2 LED点阵原理图介绍    7
    2.3.3 LED点阵字符的设计    8
    2.3.4 LED点阵显示数字简单程序设计    8
    2.4 定时器,计数器    10
    2.4.1 定时器和计数器简介    10
    2.4.2 定时器和计数器结构介绍    10
    2.4.3初值的计算    13
    第三章 RS232串口通信    15
    3.1 串口通信简介    15
    3.1.1 串口通信概念    15
    3.1.2通信方式    15
    3.2 异步通信和同步通信    16
    3.2.1异步通信概念    16
    3.2.2 异步通信的数据格式    17
    3.2.3异步通信的特点    17
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