    摘要:    目前,单片机在多机通信领域应用很广。本文重点研究了多单片机构成的主从式多机通信系统,其中从机具有相同权限。
    关键词:    单片机;多机通信;主从式;
    Multi machine communication based on 80C51 MCU
    Abstract:     At present, the single chip multi-machine communication in a wide field of applications. This paper focuses on the research of communication system of master-slave multi machine multi chip microprocessor, which has the same permissions from the machine.
    This article from the master-slave multi machine communication protocol to start with, the first design of master-slave multi machine is the communication protocol; the communication of host machine control with fixed bit rate, the practical application of simulation in the continuous signal input. The 1 single chip computer, it can display real-time working state through the virtual terminal and digital tube, is set to the host. Communication mode from the machine through the serial port interrupts triggering, communication before the end of the recovery from the machine state. For the process of communication, the host sends the number from the machine, the response from the plane after communication. After the communication, distributed to the host from the machine check bytes of data, the host test error, check and correct, if there is no error,  it will response.1 single chip digital tube  will show. If No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 single chip computer send and receive data correctly, they will make their digital tube to display.
    This study has been simulated by the real feasible. Have some error detection capability, the bit rate of serial communication 9600bit / s, communication speed, and reliability. In this study, the hardware circuit through the communication process to resolve the contention over the host microcontroller over the issue.
    Keywords:    MCU; Multi machine communication; master-slave mode
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的目的意义、发展趋势    1
    1.2    编程软件说明    2
    2    分析    4
    2.1    主从式多机通信原理    4
    2.2    主从式多机通信示意图    4
    2.3    单片机多机通信系统流程图    5
    2.3.1    系统流程图    5
    2.3.2    主机流程图    5
    2.3.3    从机流程图    7
    3    设计    8
    3.1    硬件设计部分    8
    3.1.1    主从式通信系统硬件介绍    8
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