摘要 近年来,我国人口老龄化加剧、残疾人数量增多,社会养老助残负担日趋加重。轮椅为体弱的老年人和残疾人出行带来了保障。随着科技发展,为了改善他们的生活质量,具有多功能的服务机器人将逐渐取代普通轮椅成为这一特殊人群的代步工具。87422
毕业论文关键词 服务机器人 ADAMS 虚拟样机 运动学建模 联合仿真
Title Research and design of control algorithm for a class mobile robot
Abstract In recent years, with the increasing of China's aging population and the number of people with disabilities, burden of social pension is continuously increasing。 Wheelchair brings walking hope for the frail elderly and the disabled。With development of science and technology, in order to improve this special population’s quality of life, the service robot with multiple functions will gradually replace common wheelchair becoming the tool of ride。
With a large size, control of the service robot exists much problem such as passing a small corner。 To address this issue, this paper designed a kind of simplified service robot in narrow stairwell based on the national standard。According to the design requirements of the robot device, based on the mechanical modeling technology, the virtual prototype was built in the dynamic simulation software ADAMS。 On the basis of this, the kinematics model of the service robot was established。Building MATLAB/Simulink and ADAMS joint simulation platform as the premise, PID control algorithm was used to accomplish the trajectory design of the service robot, which verified the feasibility of the control algorithm。
Keywords Service robot , ADAMS , Virtual prototype , Kinematic model , Joint simulation
目 次
1 绪论 1
1。1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1。2 国内外研究现状 1源-于Y优+尔-论.文:网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520^18766
1。3 仍需解决的问题 3
1。4 本文研究内容及思路 3
2 总体方案设计及ADAMS虚拟样机建立 5
2。1 系统总体方案设计 5
2。2 虚拟样机模型建立 6
2。3 本章小结 12
3 服务机器人运动学建模 13
3。1 运动学建模方法概述 13
3。2 运动学建模 13
3。3 本章小结 15
4 控制系统设计 16
4。1 预期路径规划 16
4。2 控制系统模型搭建