    本文应用FPGA高速、高密度及设计灵活的特性,开发设计高速实时数据采集、缓存与处理系统。系统采用8位AD(TLC5510)对模拟信号进行采样,最高采样频率为20MHz,采样后的数字量送入FIFO进行缓存,等待后续处理。FPGA为整个系统的控制、处理核心,提供逻辑控制信号。以Quartus II作为FPGA的开发环境,对设计进行验证和仿真。
    关键词:高速数据采集     FPGA  FIFO     VHDL   ADC
    Title   Design of high-speed data acquisition and processing                                                
     system based on FPGA                                                 
    Abstract In recent years, digital signal process technology has an increasingly wild implement. The digital process of analog signal has been implemented into all area of scientific research, production and usual life. Using FPGA as the control core of the entire system could improve the stability of the system, reduce the volume of devices and provide the system real-time feature and high accuracy.
    This article utilize FPGA high-speed, high-density and flexible design features, develop and design high-speed real-time data acquisition and processing system. The system use 8-bit AD converter (TLC5510) to sample analog signal, with a sample rate upper to 20MHz. The sampled digital signal storages in FIFO, waiting for subsequent process. FPGA works as the control and process core of the entire system, provides logic control signal. Choosing Quartus II as the development environment of FPGA, validate and simulate all the design.
    Keywords High-Speed Data Acquisition  FPGA  FIFO  VHDL  ADC
    目  次
    1 引言1
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义..1
    1.2 国内外研究现状 ..2
    1.3 论文的主要内容及章节安排 ..3
    2 数据采集理论研究及总体设计..4
    2.1 数据采集理论 4
    2.2 数据采集系统的典型结构.5
    2.3 总体设计思路..6
    3 系统硬件设计 7
    3.1 程控放大电路 7
    3.2 AD转换电路.9
    3.3 FPGA的选取 13
    4.1  AD控制模块设计.. 16
    4.2  FIFO控制模块  .. 18
    4.3 FFT模块.22
    结   论 ..28
    致  谢 29
    参 考 文 献 .30
     1  引言
    1.1    课题研究背景及意义
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