    本课题主要利用单片机系统,模电数电知识,传感器技术等知识设计一个简易心电图仪,要求示波器上显示测量的人体的心电信号,并要求单片机具有存储、回放波形的功能。[ ]
    在本课题的软件设计中,是以Keil uVision4为仿真平台,系统应用软件由C语言进行的编码。通过在proteus 软件中仿真,在结果中可以看到本系统的功能和指标达到了设计要求。在系统的硬件件设计中,使用multisim10.0为设计平台,进行放大模块和滤波模块的仿真。21579
    关键词  电子元器件  单片机   C 语言  放大器    仿真
    Title     Simple Electrocardiograph Instrument                                    
    ECG instrument used to record the electrocardiogram of patients with active, measurement of human biological signals, can be used for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular diseases. At present, the ECG domestic major medical equipment manufacturers and research institutes are developing has invested a lot of resources, but also has developed a unique ECG products, but such ECG did not get very good popularizing large volume, inconvenient to carry, very difficult to monitor the state of work, but these ECG product prices are very expensive, and only the strength of the hospital have the ability to purchase.
    This paper mainly uses the single chip system, sensor technology, electronic circuit design technology, the design of interface circuit of a simple ECG I/O keyboard and display, can measure the ECG signal and the oscilloscope, and stored, playback function measured.
    In the design of software system, using Keil C51 as the simulation platform, the use of C language, the application software of the system. Through the simulation in Proteus Software, the result shows that the system functions and performance meet the design requirements. In the system hardware design, the use of Multisim10.0 as design platform, the simulation of the amplifier.
    Keywords Electronic components  C language  SCM amplifier                                                                  
     目   次

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  设计背景及意义    1
    1.2  心电图仪的发展历史及研究现状    1
    1.3  设计的任务及要求    2
    1.3.1  本设计课题应达到的目的    2
    1.3.2  本设计课题任务内容和要求    2
    1.3.3  本设计课题任务成果要求    2
    2  简易心电图仪的方案设计    3
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