    高精度测时仪在设计时,采用了脉冲计数法和量化延时法,不但保证了测量精度而且扩展了量程。系统采用STC89C52单片机和DS1302芯片,设计了高精度测时仪, ,在实验过程中,经过对测时仪精度的考核,使测时仪测量精度达到1us。
    关键词  破片速度  测速系统  高精度测时仪  不确定度
    Title   Precision analog school inspection device                  
    Analysis of key fragments flight rules and warhead research is to study the effects of fragmentation rate and its velocity distribution law. With the progress of time, modern weapons systems fragmentation warhead fragments speed indicators and speed measurement accuracy of the increasingly high demand. Currently, there are no standard speed setpoint source and standard speed system, which increases the difficulty of calibrating speed system.
    When high-precision measurement instrument designed, using a pulse counting method and quantified delay law, not only to ensure the accuracy and extended range. System uses STC89C52 microcontroller and DS1302 chip designed high-precision chronometer, during the experiment, after the accuracy of the assessment when measuring instrument, measuring instrument when making measurement accuracy 1us.
    Data handling and firing of the "standard" speed monitoring system assessment. Experimental results show that the system can meet unbiased, consistent and effective, and the uncertainty of the system is not less than 0.1%. By "standard" speed monitoring system to calibrate speed value transfer system is to meet the requirements.
    Keywords  Fragment velocity,Calibration system,high precision
    time-measuring instrument,Uncertainty
     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  校准方法    1
    1.3  本文主要工作    2
    2  高精度模拟校检系统设计    2
    2.1  设计指标    2
    2.2  系统构成    3
    2.3  选型    3
    3  高精度模拟校检器制作    7
    3.1  高精度模拟校检器研制方案    7
    3.2  高精度模拟校检器成品    8
    3.3  三极管    10
    3.4  旋转编码开关    11
    4  脉宽调制实验    13
    软件部分    14
    5.1  下位机程序    15
    5.2  上位机程序    15
    结论    21
    致谢    21
    附录A    24
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题背景
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