    摘要:由于称重系统具有测量精度高、温度特性好、工作稳定等优点使得其广泛应用于各种结构的动、静态测量及各种电子称的一次仪表。在现代检测技术中,常用高精度数字电压表进行检测,将检测到的数据送入微型计算机系统,完成计算、存储、控制等功能。本文借助AT89S51单片机,采用LCD1602液晶显示,实现重量信号输入及串口输出的设计。该系统还可以方便地进行4路A/D转换的测量,远程测量结果传送等功能。电位器可以模拟0~255的二进制数,对应0~500G的重量, 并且可以通过Proteus的ISIS软件进行仿真调试。本文第一部分主要介绍了重量检测器的原理。第二部分依次介绍了完成本次设计所需的设备。第三部分详细介绍了产品重量控制的系统构架。第四部分则是软件的设计。
    The design of product’s weight detection controller
    Abstract: Because the weighing sensor has high measuring accuracy, the advantages of good temperature characteristic and steady work makes it widely used in various structure of static and dynamic measurement and various electronic said instrument at a time. Commonly used in the modern testing technology, high precision digital voltmeter for testing, to detect the data into a microcomputer system, complete the calculation, storage, control, and other functions. In this paper, with the aid of AT89S51, adopt LCD1602 display, to achieve weight signal input and the design of serial transmission. The system can also easily A/D conversion of 8 road measurement, remote transmission measurement results, and other functions. Potentiometer can simulate 0 ~ 255binary number, corresponding to the weight of 0 ~ 500 g and can through the Proteus ISIS software into the simulation. The first part mainly introduces the principle of weight detector. The second part mainly introduces the equipment required to complete the design. The third part introduces in detail the product weight control system architecture. The fourth part is the design of the software.
    Keywords: Single chip microcomputer; Weighing system; A serial port output
    目录    3
    绪论    1
    1.    重量检测是什么?    2
    1.1电子称    2
    1.1.1基本结构    2
    1.1.2电子秤的工作原理    3
    1.2重量传感器    4
    2.    控制器如何实现?    7
    2.1 ME380实验箱    7
    2.2 Keil uv2    10
    2.3 Proteus 7 professional    11
    2.3.1Proteus ISIS的编辑环境    11
    2.3.2 Proteus ISIS的特点    12
    3.    设计原理    13
    3.1 系统概述    13
    3.2芯片介绍    15
    3.2.1 PCF8591模数转换    15
    3.2.2 AT89S52单片机    16
    3.2.3 LCD1602液晶显示    17
    3.3电路原理图    18
    3.3.1 PCF8591模数转换    18
    3.3.2 AT89S52主电路    20
    3.3.3 LCD液晶显示电路    22
    3.3.4 Max232串行口转换接口电路    24
    3.3.5 24C04 串行EEPROM    27
    4.    设计程序    28
    4.1 LCD1602程序段    28
    4.2 RS232串口通讯    29
    4.3 I2C的应用    36
    4.4 按键    43
    结论    44
    致谢    45
    参考文献    46
    附录一 称重控制系统原理图    47
    附录二 实物图    48
    附录三 称重控制系统源程序    49
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