    关键词: 配电网;网络重构的方法;潮流计算;启发式算法;最优流算法
    Title  Study of the Distribution Network Reconstruction Method
    Modern urban distribution network is extensive use of underground cables , has a ring -shaped structure which is usually run by radiation , the optimal power supply problems which exist in the system of cable distribution transformers . The number of rural distribution network primarily used for overhead lines , the initial system is based on radial design, in order to improve the reliability of power supply . In recent years ,distribution management system to develop and deepen, distribution network reconfiguration in distribution network to optimize theoperation, improve the transformation network topology structure, system, make the sysem more excellent performance, eliminate the overload, so that you can to banlance each feeder load, On the other hand, loss ofradiation type network is very important to decrease network loss, To achieve these goals, the normal or abnormal operating condition, through theopening and closing state changes the distribution network line switch. This paper focuses on the distribution network reconfiguration method study . Conduct a study on heuristic algorithms which gradually extended method. Firstly, to achieve distribution power flow calculation ; followed by the use of heuristic algorithms gradual expansion method to reconstruct the distribution network , and compare the results. Finally,we use the IEEE16 node system to validate the algorithm .
    Keywords:Distribution network; network reconfiguration method; flow calculation; heuristic algorith; The optimal flow pattern algorithm
     目 次
    1  引言    1
    1.1 研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2 研究现状    2
    1.3 论文的主要工作    3
    2  配电网重构的基本概念    4
    2.1 配电网重构的定义    4
    2.2 网络重构约束条件    4
    3  配电网潮流计算    5
    3.1 潮流计算数学模型    5
    3.2 配电网潮流计算的方法    6
    4  配电网重构算法    11
    4.1 数学优化方法    11
    4.2 启发式算法    11
    4.3.支路交换法    14
    4.4 人工智能算法    15
    4.5 其它的配电网重构算法    17
    5  启发式最优流算法的网络重构    18
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