    摘要伴随着温室技术的数目的普及,基于温室生长的大棚,温室的温度和湿度控制的光的强度成为一个非常重要的问题。传统的温度和在温室中的湿度控制是挂温度计和湿度计,温度和湿度通过阅读理解的温度和湿度的实际值,然后根据当前的温度和湿度,温度和湿度比较温度和湿度的观测评价过高或过低,然后做出相应的措施,但相对较轻,涉及较少。这些操作都是人为的条件下进行,消耗了大量的人力物力如今,随着国家经济的发展,不断提高农业产业化在温室的规模,农业种植品种越来越多的大量温室,传统的控制措施表现出极大的限制。因此,在光强检测与控制技术越来越高的要求棚内温度和湿度的建设,对于上述现象的课题也被设计成智能温室控制系统文献综述详细介绍了课题的背景,对课题设计的相关技术的发展现状进行了综合描述,同时也对本次毕业设计利用单片机及其硬件、Proteus的开发环境、Keil C,设计智能大棚控制系统方案进行了论述。本课题对大棚内的温湿度和光照强度进行控制,对智能大棚会有良好的发展。23283
    关键词  智能大棚 单片机 Proteus
    Title  The Design Of Intelligent Greenhouse Control System                                      
    With the popularity of greenhouse technology, greenhouse growing number of greenhouses , greenhouse temperature and humidity control has become a very important issue. These operations are carried out under artificial conditions , cost a lot of manpower and resources. Now, with the rapid development of the national economy , and continuously improve the size of the agricultural industry , agricultural products cultivated in greenhouses in more and more varieties , the large number of greenhouses, traditional temperature control measures for showing a lot of limitations . Construction on the greenhouse temperature and humidity measurement and control technology also made increasing demands , the issue is for the above phenomenon, the design of intelligent greenhouse control system. Literature review describes the background of the subject , be subject to the current development of related technology design were reviewed , while the graduation project using microcontroller and its hardware , Proteus development environment , Keil C, intelligent greenhouse control system design scheme was discussed . The topic for the temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse and light intensity control, intelligent greenhouses have good development .
    Keywords  intelligent greenhouses   SCM  proteus
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  设计背景及意义    1
    1.2  发展历史以及研究现状    2
    1.3  设计任务及要求    3
    1.3.1  任务    3
    1.3.2  要求    3
    2  系统设计    4
    2.1  系统组成及原理框图    4
    2.2  系统工作原理    4
    3  硬件设计    7
    3.1  AT89C52单片机电路设计    7
    3.1.1  简介    7
    3.1.2  电路    9
    3.2  液晶屏显示电路    13
    3.3  温湿度转换电路    15
    3.4  光照强度转换电路    17
    3.5  EEPROM电路    19
    3.6  键盘控制电路    21
    3.7  总电路图    22
    软件设计    23
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