    本课题研究的便携式体温脉搏监测仪系统设计主要由三大部分组成。第一部分是温度检测部分,第二部分是脉搏检测部分,第三部分是液晶显示部分,第四部分是串行通信部分,第五部分是报警电路部分。系统硬件以单片机STC89C52为核心,采用DS18B20温度传感器采集体温信号,红外线收发脉搏传感器采集脉搏信号。将采集到的体温和脉搏信号由单片机STC89C52运算处理后,通过独立按键切换由四个八位数码管显示。软件采用C语言编程,编程软件采用Keil C51并进行仿真。
    The Design Of Empty NestersPhysiological Indicators Automatic Monitoring System
    Abstract:China is gradually entered the aging society , the proportion of empty nesters will continue to increase. Accidents occur frequently empty nesters sudden death event monitoring system revealed serious deficiencies. In order to reduce accidents , making empty nesters to keep abreast of their physical condition , so a simpletouse multi-functional automatic monitor is a class of their indispensable instrument .
    Portable the design of physiological indicators automatic monitoring systemresearching consists of three major components. The first part is the temperature detection part , the second part is the pulse detection portion , and the third part is the LCD part , the fourth part is the serial communication part , the fifth part is the alarm circuit part . System hardware STC89C52 microcontroller as the core body temperature using DS18B20 temperature sensor signal acquisition , infrared transceiver pulse sensor pulse signal acquisition . After the collected body temperature and pulse signal is processed by a microcontroller STC89C52 operation through separate buttons to switch the display consists of four eight-bit digital tube . Software using the C programming language , programming software using Keil C51.
    The design of real-time measurement of body temperature and pulse rate can be achieved , the temperature can be measured and displayed on the digital pulse tube . Able to empty nesters in real time , continuous measurement and monitoring body temperature for a long time and pulse parameters. Beyond the standard range of values when automatic alarm , in order to accurately understand the physiological condition of the empty nest elderly, timely prevent dangerous accidents.
    physiological indicators automatic monitoring is compact, simple structure. Metal rods can easily measure body temperature in any part of the body temperature and will not cause harm, refers to the infrared pulse measurement requires only a finger pulse can be measured by the value of value. Digital display quickly and accurately. Provides a wealth of power connector, or by an external power mobile power supply. Patients can carry, ready to monitor changes in body temperature. Especially for empty nesters.
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