    摘  要:为了实现直流稳压电源输出电压可调节,采用以STC89C52为核心的控制芯片来完成2~20V直流稳压输出。本设计以STC89C52单片机作为控制芯片,单片机接受来自扩展存储器和键盘的输入信号,输出给数模转换芯片DAC0832再经比较放大实现稳压输出,为提高设计的控制精度采用模数转换芯片ADC0804对输出电压进行采样从而使整个控制系统构成一个闭环控制系统。经仿真实验结果显示,输出电压范围为2V~20V,额定工作电流为1.0 A,并具有“+”、“-”步进电压调节功能,其最小步进为0.1 V,纹波小于0.1V,用LCD1602显示其输出电压值。该设计具有使用简便、稳定性好、响应快等优点。4995
    关键词:STC89C52单片机;直流稳压可调电源; DAC0832;ADC0804

    The Design for Regulated DC Power Based on MCU
    Abstract: To realize the controlling function of the output voltage of the regulated DC power supply, the output voltage of the 2-20V regulated DC power supply can be displayed by the design in the core of STC89C52. STC89C52 is regarded as the control chip. The input signals from the extended memory and the keyboard are received by MCU, which are droved to DAC0832—a digital-to-analog converter chip. In the final, through comparative amplification, the regulated output voltage can be achieved. In order to improved the control precision of system. ADC0804 which is a analog-to-digital conversion chip is used to take samples for the output current. Thus, the whole control system is made up of a closed loop control system. The results of simulation and experiment show that the range of output voltage is2V-20V and the rated operational current is 1.0A,besides,the system possesses the function of “+”、”-”, the smallest step voltage value is 0.1V and the rappel wave is not more than 0.1V. At the same time, the output voltage is displayed by LCD1602. It can be proved that the design has some obvious advantages, such as the ease of use、better stability、higher respond speed and so on.
    Key Words: STC89C52 MCU; DC regulated power supply; DAC0832; ADC0804
    目    录

    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1. 设计概述    2
    1.1 研究背景及意义    2
    1.2 设计的主要内容    3
    2. 总体方案设计与论证    3
    3. 硬件设计    5
    3.1 辅助电源模块    5
    3.2 单片机最小系统    6
    3.3 存储模块    7
    3.4 数模转换和稳压输出模块    8
    3.5 电压采样模块    9
    3.6 显示模块    9
    3.7 键盘模块    10
    4. 系统的软件设计    11
    4.1 软件设计思路    11
    4.2 系统软件流程    11
    5. 系统测试与误差分析    13
    5.1系统测试    13
    5.2 误差分析    15
    6. 总结    15
    参考文献    16
    致谢    17
    附录    18
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