    The design of the product weight detection software
    Abstract:Weight detection technology been valued since ancient times as a means of measurement is widely used in various fields of industry and agriculture , scientific research, transportation , internal and external trade , closely linked to people's lives. Currently, the use of commercial electronic scales are very popular, will gradually replace the traditional mechanical case steelyard scales . Electronic scales electronic scales in one, weighing the national legal measuring instruments , is the national economy , national defense, scientific research, and external trade is indispensable metering equipment , weighing the level of product technology will directly affect the level of modernization of all walks of life and improve the social and economic benefits . Therefore, the study of industrial development and national scales weight detection technology very seriously.
     Detection system mainly as a central control unit MCU , analog to digital conversion unit by weight detection sensor , in with the keyboard, display circuit and powerful software components. Detection system not only accurate, fast and convenient , more importantly, is the automatic weight detection, digital display , the impact on people's lives more and more, the most popular.
    The system is designed to detect system description based on the weight of its key software design solutions and design parameters. MCU clarify how the sampling data processing, data acquisition and conversion , calculation conducted a study paper on the basis of intelligence given weight detection system hardware design , based on a detailed analysis of the software control methods weight detection system . MCU control weight detection system is simple, low cost, loved by the people , the paper will be discussed in detail.
    Keywords: weight detection system; SCM; weight detection sensor
    1 绪  论    1
    1.1重量检测技术和衡器的发展    1
    1.2 重量检测系统的组成    2
    1.2.1重量检测系统的基本结构    2
    1.2.2重量检测的工作原理    3
    1.3本设计思路    3
    2系统方案论证与选型    5
    2.1 系统组成    5
    2.2控制器部分    5
    2.3 AD转换部分    6
    3硬件设计    7
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