    本设计所涉及的GPS 伪距差分定位系统(GPS-RTD)是以GPS 模块为核心,利用微处理器接收GPS 模块发送的数据并对其进行解算、输出有效信息的定位系统。GPS 卫星信号被微型射频模块的天线捕获,并将信号进行 AD 转换,将模拟信息转换成便于解算的数字信号,转换后的数字信号送入基带处理器,获得有效信号后将数据送入微处理器,通过微处理器对数据进行进一步提取和解算后,利用数据通信模块与计算机进行交互从而获得准确的定位信息。25138
    本文首先介绍了目前国内外对于差分技术的研究现状、研究方向;紧接着详细说明了GPS-RTD定位原理及误差分析; 然后再总体介绍 GPS-RTD定位系统的总体设计方案;在此之后对该定位系统的硬件和软件进行了设计,说明了本设计的程序设计思路和所能实现的功能;最后提出了本次设计存在的不足之处和对未来的展望。
    毕业论文关键词: 全球定位系统;事后差分定位;周跳;软件编译
    Title :The    Research    of    Differential    Localization    Technology   Based    On    Ublox    GPS    Module                       
    With the rapid development of software and hardware technology, GPS (Global Position
    System) global positioning system also constantly expanding the scope of application, and
    gradually infiltrated into people's daily life. GPS has the notable features of all-weather, high
    precision, automated, high-efficiency, win the trust of the majority of scientists and successfully
    application widely used in military, scientific research and social life. How to make the GPS
    positioning results are more accurate and improve the efficiency of data acquisition and
    reduction in the acquisition of the strength of demand becomes more and more urgent. In this
    paper, according to the  demand and formal work.  In this paper, according to the demand and
    formal work. Needle on this subject, this paper use Ublox NEO_5Q build GPS data acquired
    from the experimental platform of GPS signal, the GPS difference technology, including the
    following aspects:
    1.Discussed the GPS positioning modes. First of all, paper analyse GPS single point
    positioning mathematical model,leads to post differential positioning technology and then focus
    on an analysis of differential phase-smoothed pseudorange positioning mathematical modell.
    The author put forward solution for some important problem.
    2. The paper uses a polynomial fitting to detect and repair the cycle   
    3. A detailed analysis of the structures of the GPS test platform, describes the operation
    mechanism of the GPS signal receiving.
    4.  Based on the theoretical, the author  programme a software named Phase-Smoothed  
    PseudoRange, which can process post-differential GPS  data.  It gives the overall and  related  
    modules flow charts about the software. Keywords: GPS, Post-differential localization,Cycle slips detection,Software development
    目   录
    1绪论..  3
    1.1 GPS 定位基础 ..  3
    1.2 差分定位技术发展及应用现状  .  5
    1.3 本章小节  .  6
    2 差分定位数学模型及误差分析..  7
    2.1 差分定位原理  ..  7
    2.2 伪距单点定位及其观测方程    10
    2.3 伪距差分定位数学模型  ..  11
    2.4 相位平滑伪距差分定位原理    12
    2.4.1 相位平滑伪距差分定位数学模型    13
    2.4.2 保证相位平滑伪距差分定位精度的必要条件  .  15
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