    摘要文章介绍了拥堵费的概念及目前国内外收取拥堵费的现状,为便于对我国收取拥堵费的可行性进行探讨,建立了以 Logit模型为基础的数学模型,考虑了出行时间和出行费用两个主要因素对交通阻抗的影响,以便于就收取拥堵费对公共汽车或私家车在出行方式中的分担率以及道路上交通量的变化进行分析。道路上交通量最大值参考Greenshields模型(线性模型)中的最大流量。对模型的仿真,论文以南京市为例,用Matlab进行编程,作出模型中的目标函数的曲线图,从而由图求出交通流量最大时的拥堵收费额度。 25148
    毕业论文关键词 拥堵费 Logit模型 分担率 最大交通流量
    Title  Study on congestion charging amount for city traffic
    This paper introduces the concept of congestion charge and current
    situation at home and abroad for the congestion charge, the feasibility
    of our congestion charges are discussed, mathematic model is  established
    on the basis of the Logit model, considering the two main factors that
    affect the travel time and travel cost of traffic resistance, in order
    to facilitate the congestion analysis of fee changes on the bus or car
    on the way to travel in the share rate and road traffic. The road traffic
    volume maximum reference Greenshields model (linear model) of maximum
    flow. The simulation of the model, this paper takes Nanjing city as an
    example, using Matlab programming, graph made the objective function in
    the model, which consists of out traffic congestion charging at maximum amount.
    Keywords  The congestion charge  Logit model  rate of traffic flow  the maximum contribution
    目  次 
    1 引言  1
    1.1 拥堵费的概念    1
    1.2 研究背景    1
    1.3 研究意义    3
    1.4 研究方法    3
    1.5 论文的结构安排    4
    2 费率的设定  5
    2.1 费率的设定    5
    2.2 本章总结    8
    3 仿真  9
    3.1 交通小区的划分    9
    3.2 数据获取    9
    3.3 参数确定  .  10
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