    关键词:自动报警系统;传感器信号检测;单片机处理;短息报警 毕业论文
    A design of thiefproof and fireproof alam system
    Abstract:As the saying goes: live and work in peace. With social progress and economic development, people's demand for residential comfort and safety also grow with each passing day. The rapid development of electronic information technology makes residential security system be intelligent, also let the house become safer and more comfortable.
    In this paper, a design of reliable operation, high degree of automation of the thiefproof and fireproof alarm system. Residential security incidents occurred in the residents are out or asleep, unconscious situation, coupled with some Chinese family more than one house, many unattended residential security can not be guaranteed. If we can invent a fire alarm equipment, make its main work is detection and alarm, also can through the mobile phone text messages to  
    inform residents and security, even through a IOT automated security more comprehensive protection, so that the residents of the life and property security will be better protected.
    The system is mainly pided into four parts, namely: pyroelectric detection sensor, CO sensor; AT89S51 processing module; residential warning lights, sirens module and the short message alarm notification module.
    The system compact and reliable, strong expansibility, applicable to the residential indoor environment, warehouse etc.. And the price is low, low energy consumption, is in line with the current situation of our country a new thiefproof and fireproof alarm system.
    Key Words:Automatic alarm system; sensor signal detection; SCM; short message alarm.
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  防盗、防火系统发展现状    1
    1.3  本课题的研究目的和意义    3
    2  总体方案设计    4
    2.1  报警系统总体方案设计    4
    2.2  系统基本运行原理    6
    3  主要模块介绍    7
    3.1  防盗模块    7
    3.1.1  热释电红外传感器基本性能    7
    3.1.2  防盗电路设计    9
    3.2  防火检测模块    12
    3.2.1  CO传感器的特性    12
    3.2.2  CO传感器电路设计    12
    3.3  AT89C51单片机处理模块    13
    3.3.1  AT89C51的特性    14
    3.3.2  主机电路设计    16
    3.4  短信、警笛警灯报警模块    17
    3.4.1  警笛警灯报警模块    17
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