    建立直流电机的数学模型,分析了各种控制器的算法,最终选择了增量式数字PID 算法作为控制算法。选择FPGA EPF10K10LC84-4芯片作为控制的中央处理器,根据系统所需要性能进行设计硬件电路,如H桥驱动器电路,驱动系统升压电路,数据采样电路,隔离电路,硬件PWM波生成电路。
    本设计采用Verilog HDL 语言来描述各种模块的详细功能。并通过Quartus II 开发软件编程与编译,采用modelsim 对于各模块实现功能仿真。仿真试验证明,该设计对直流电机的控制是正确可行的。
    关键词  驱动系统,FPGA,数字PID控制器,PWM,Verilog。
    Title  Design of direct current motor servo   drive control system based on FPGA          
    This thesis presents an overview of the development and applications of DC motors, the development of DC motor controllers and drivers, the analyses of the functions, advantages and disadvantages of the FPGAChip. In addition, the thesis discusses the structural principles of DC motor control systems, analyzes the working principle of the H bridge power, analyzes the functions of the parts of servo drive system, and solvesthe problems of the dead zone of PWM wave in the drive system.
    To control DC motors, a mathematical model of DC motors are build up, many control algorithms are analyzed, and finally, the incremental digital PID algorithm is chosen as the control algorithm. Through analyzing the characteristics of the FPGA, the FPGA EPF10K10LC84-4 chip is choose as the central processing unit of the driver. Based on the system performance required to carry on the design of hardware circuit, including H bridge driver circuit, drive system booster circuit, isolation circuit, PWM wave generating circuit. This design adopts the Verilog HDL language to describe the detailed functions of various modules. The programming and compiling is carried out by utilizing the Quartus II software. To simulate the functions of the modules in the driver system, the Modelsim software is used. The simulating results prove that the design of DC motor driver is feasible.
     Keywords  driving system, FPGA, digital PID controller, PWM, Verilog.
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  电机控制器的发展及现状    1
    1.3  直流电机驱动器的发展及现状    3
    2  电机控制原理以及驱动系统    5
    2.1  直流电机驱动控制电路总体结构    5
    2.2  H 桥功率驱动原理    5
    2.3  直流电机系统控制原理    6
    2.3.1  直流伺服电动机速度控制原理    6
    2.3.2  PWM控制原理    7
    2.4  直流电机伺服驱动控制系统.    8
    3  直流电机建模与算法设计    10
    3.1  电机模型建立    10
    3.2  PID算法设计    10
    4  系统硬件设计原理    14
    4.1  系统硬件电路框图    14
    4.2 .FPGA结构与特点    14
    4.3   驱动电路    16
    4.3.1  H 桥驱动电路设计    16
    4.3.2  驱动系统升压电路设计    16
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