    关键词:移动机器人 ;故障诊断 ;神经网络
    The Research of Fault Diagnosis Based On Neural Network For Mobile Robot

    Abstract: In today’s technological advancements, a growing number of robots is being applied to various fields, while the research on basic robots, such as mobile manipulator robots, is improving. Fault diagnosis for mobile robot has also become an important part of the field of robotics. Most of the mobile robot research was based on work in the system as a whole to the ideal State. Mobile robot working in a real environment, in the face of changing surroundings, the probability of failure is quite large. Especially in complex in an unknown environment, mobile manipulator more failure-prone, but we cannot at this time or it's hard to make maintenance and repair interventions. If failure is not detected or does not receive timely treatment, move the robot into a high-risk status of unknown. This will not only seriously affect the life of mobile manipulators, are more likely to have mobile manipulators that do not engage in normal activities, and might even lead to disastrous consequences.
    Common failure for this article for now, mobile manipulator, more effective diagnostic methods, and study it. This article provides an overview of fault diagnosis for mobile robot research. A detailed discussion on fault diagnosis for mobile robot is based on neural network. Neural network similar to the human brain, through adaptive controller to online or offline learning and constantly improving the system's performance, improve the diagnostic accuracy of the neural network, so as to achieve optimal fault diagnosis. And the whole control process does not require knowledge of mathematical model of the system. At the same time, parallel neural network structure can help to address very high computational requirements.
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