    本文主要的研究对象是 型超声波电机,通过利用ANSYS软件对其模型进行合适的有限元分析,建立出两种不同支撑条件下的定子模型,之后对所建立的两种模型进行模态分析与谐响应分析,从不同的模态中找出最合适的工作模态,并根据对其不同支撑下的谐响应分析,得出不同方向的幅度-频率关系曲线,选择最为合理的支撑方式。
    关键词: 环形超声波电机  ANSYS 模态分析 谐响应分析
    Title   The research of ring type ultrasonic motor Support                                           
    The ultrasonic motor is newly developed in the last 20 years. It is different from the traditional motor. The inverse piezoelectric effect in the ultrasonic frequency range between the stator and rotor friction to achieve electromechanical energy conversion of piezoelectric ceramics. The ultrasonic motor has several obvious advantages compared with the traditional motor: 1、low speed and high torque 2、 to maintain torque 3、small noise 4、no electromagnetic interference 5、direct drive. In recent years, with the continuous progress of the material manufacturing industry, ultrasonic motor is constantly being innovated and continuously progress. However, due to the development of the time is short, the current ultrasonic motor still need us to continue to solve the problem, and constantly innovate and develop.This paper focuses on the research of ring type ultrasonic motor. Finite element analysis was carried out by ANSYS, the finite element model is established for two different supporting annular traveling wave ultrasonic motor, and carries on the modal analysis and harmonic response analysis, so as to find out the suitable working mode and reasonable support.
    Keywords: Ring type ultrasonic motor  ANSYS  Modal analysis  Harmonic response analysis  
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 超声波电机的发展历史及研究现状    1
    1.2超声波电机的分类    2
    1.3超声波电机的特点    2
    1.4超声波电机的应用    3
    1.5选题意义和主要研究内容    4
    1.6本章小结    4
    2  环形行波型超声波电机的结构与工作原理    5
    2.1压电效应和压电方程    5
    2.2环形行波型超声波电机的结构    7
    2.3环形行波型超声波电机的工作原理    8
    2.4行波的形成    9
    2.5 定子表面质点的椭圆运动    10
    2.6本章小结    11
    3  环形行波型超声波电机的有限元分析    12
    3.1 ANYSY有限元法    13
    3.2 定子的有限元模型    13
    3.3本章小结    16
    4  定子振动模态分析与最优模态选择    16
    4.1无支撑定子模态分析    16
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