    关键词  集中采集终端  通信  RS485总线   
    Title    Design   of   Centralized   Collection  Terminal of  Community  Meter                                  
    With the development and improvement of domestic smart grid, automatic meter reading system has gradually entered the people’s attention, most of the city's new development community have begun the installation of automatic meter reading systems. Automatic meter reading system refers to the use of computer, communications and network technology, which can be used to collect user’s of meter electricity data and data processing through the use of special equipment . Automatic meter reading system consists of a user's meter, the communication channel, centralized collection terminal and master computer and other equipment, has Collecting speed, high efficiency, saving time, effort, security, real-time characteristics.
    This paper studies the community meter reading system to achieve centralized collection terminal hardware and software. Centralized collection terminals play a crucial role in the whole automatic meter reading system, which connects up the master computer power management center, down the connection with the user's meter. The design uses the Enhanced MCU STC12C5A60S2 with dual serial port as a centralized collection terminal microprocessor to implement the system up and down the two-way communication.
    Keywords    Concentrator   Communication   RS485 BUS 
    目   次
    1  引言  1
    1.1  课题研究背景与意义  .1
    1.2  国内外发展现状 1
    1.3  本论文研究的主要内容 2
    2  系统总体设计 3
    2.1  系统概述  3
    2.2  系统通信方式 3
    3  集中采集终端硬件电路设计 6
    3.1  单片机STC12C5A60S2 6
    3.2  DS3231时钟模块   8
    3.3  SD卡存储模块 10
    3.4  LCD1602显示模块 11
    3.5  电源模块 11
    3.6  通信模块 12
    4  集中采集终端软件设计 15
    4.1  SD卡存储模块设计 15
    4.2  时钟模块和显示模块设计 17
    4.3  红外通信模块设计 18
    4.4  RS-485通信模块设计20
    结论  22
    致谢  23
    参考文献 24
    附录A  系统原理图 25
    附录B  PCB板   26
    1  引言
    1.1  课题研究背景与意义
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