    摘要:在我国,铁道运输发展迅速,但是安全事故仍有发生,转子如果发生故障的话,轻则出现噪声和振动,重则引发机器损坏和人员伤亡的严重事故,对列车进行故障诊断是能够实时预防、察觉和消除机车故障,保证铁路运行安全,因此故障诊断是非常重要的。故障诊断技术结合智能诊断技术是新的发展趋势,隐性马尔科夫模型作为近年来比较流行的故障诊断技术,具有分类能力强,计算速度较快等优点,适合转子的振动信号的分析诊断。所以本文结合故障诊断与隐性马尔科夫模型进行探讨。本文通过使用MATLAB设计了故障智能诊断系统,主要包含数据的读取、时域波形的显示、重要特征的提取结果以及故障诊断结果显示这四部分。通过对列车信号进行特征提取与分析处理,从繁杂并庞大的信号中提取到有效的信息,并提供了科学决策,判断列车的工作状态和故障类型。结果表明, 隐性马尔科夫在列车智能故障诊断中有出色的分类能力。29873
    Research on Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based
    on HMM
    Abstract:In our country, the railway transportation is developed rapidly, but the accident still occurs. If rotor was broke out, it would cause many cases.If the case is not serious,there are just noise and vibration, if the case is serious, it will cause engine damage and casualties of serious accident.Fault diagnosis can prevent, detect and eliminate locomotive failures, to ensure the safe operation of the railway, so fault diagnosis is very necessary.The fault diagnosis technology wors with intelligent diagnosis technology are the new development trend The hidden Markov model is a popular fault diagnosis technology in recent years.It has the advantages of strong classification ability, rapid calculation speed, etc., and is suitable for the analysis and diagnosis of the vibration signal of the rotor. According to that, I use MATLAB to design an intelligent fault diagnosis system which consists of reading the data, the time-domain waveform display, and fault diagnosis extraction.We use fault diagnosis to diagnose locomotive components and get useful information from complex signals which rely on modern technology. Then give the scientific decision.The results show that HMM has excellent classification ability in fault diagnosis.
    KeyWords: Hidden Markov model; Fault diagnose; Rotor; MATLAB
    1绪论    1
      1.1 选题的目的和意义    1
      1.2 国内外研究水平与现状    1
      1.3 发展趋势    2
      1.4 本文的主要工作    3
    2列车的故障诊断分析    4
      2.1 常见的列车故障类型及特征    4
      2.2 转子常见故障的特征    5
      2.3 故障诊断方法    6
      2.4 本章小结    8 
    3基于HMM的故障诊断方法    9
      3.1 HMM的基本概念    9
      3.2 HMM的应用    10
      3.3 HMM的基本算法    10
    3.3.1 前向算法    10
    3.3.2 后向算法    11
      3.4 HMM按照Markov链分类    12
      3.5 本章小结    13
    4故障诊断系统的设计与实现    14
      4.1 MATLAB发展过程    14
      4.2 MATLAB GUIDE的介绍与分析    15
      4.3 MATLAB GUIDE的实现过程    15
      4.4 转子诊断系统的设计与实现    16
        4.4.1 基本功能的设计    16
        4.4.2系统的实现    17
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