    摘要近些年来,固体燃料冲压发动机成了世界各国的研究热点,与其它的吸气式发动机相比,固体燃料冲压发动机具有成本低、结构简单、高比冲(9000-10000N.m/s)和高可靠性等优点,,本文以固体燃料冲压增程炮弹为背景,并利用数值模拟的方法对固体燃料冲压发动机的内流场进行理论研究。针对设计马赫数 Ma=3 的固体燃料冲压增程炮弹,对其定常二文轴对称内流场进行了数值模拟,并基于简单化学反应机制和标准的  k模型,建立了固体燃料冲压增程炮弹统一内流场的计算模型,并完成了该统一内流场的数值模拟计算任务,分析了燃烧室化学组成分布、流场结构和燃烧室温度分布,进而为固体燃料冲压发动机的性能分析提供一定的依据。   30264
    毕业论文关键词  固体燃料冲压发动机增程炮弹;内流场;化学反应;数值模拟  
    Title      The numerical simulation of large solid fuel ramjet engine extended-range projectile
    Abstract Nowadays ,solid fuel ramjet engine has become the focus of research in the world.Compared to other air breathing engines,solid fuel ramjet engine has the advantages of low cost,simple structure,high reliability and high specific impulse(9000-10000N.m/s) etc,which has a wide application prospect on solid fuel ramjet engine extended-range projectile.In this paper,internal flow characteristics was studied comprehensively by means of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.The present paper focuses on the solid fuel ramjet engine assisted range projectile which the design Mach is 3,the two-dimensional axisymmetric steady internal  flow field in solid fuel ramjet engine is numerically simulated.The compute model in internal flow field of solid fuel ramjet engine assisted-range projectile is established ,which based on the k    turbulent model and  simple react flow.The text of numerical simulation for compute internal flow is achieved .Its chemical composition of combustion chamber ,flow structure and combustion chamber temperature distribution are analyzed,which provides the basis for the performance analysis of solid fuel ramjet engine.   Keywords    Solid fuel ramjet engine assisted-range projectile;Internal flow field;Chemistry reaction; Numerical simulation.  
    目   录
     1  绪论  . 1
    1.1  研究背景及意义   1
    1.2  固体燃料冲压增程弹国内外研究现状   2
    1.3  固体燃料冲压发动机数值模拟研究现状   3
    1.4  固体燃料冲压发动机的关键技术   4
    1.5  计算流体力学的发展   6
    1.6  计算燃烧学的发展   6
    1.7  论文的主要研究内容   7
    2  模型与数值模拟方法  . 8
    2.1固体燃料冲压发动机的物理模型  . 8
    2.2  数值模拟计算的数学模型   8
    2.2.1  数学模型的基本假设   8
    2.2.2  控制方程组   9
    2.2.3  湍流模型  . 11
    2.2.4  数值模拟软件的简单介绍  . 11
    2.3  内流场数值模拟计理算前处理  . 12
    2.3.1  计算区域  . 12
    2.3.2  内流场的网格划分  . 12
    2.4  求解方法  . 15
    2.4.1 固态燃料与空气热反应的简化   15
    2.4.2  数值模拟计算模型  . 15
    2.4.3 数值模拟计算边界条件的设定   16
    2.4.4  数值模拟计算中一些重要参数的具体设定  . 17
    3  整个内流场数值模拟计算结果分析   22
    3.1  化学恰当比下的流场的性质特征分析  . 22
    3.1.1流场结构特征  . 22
    3.1.2  燃烧室内的温度分布情况  . 27
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