    关键词  高速铁路 测度模型 模糊识别
    Title    High-speed rail safety measure of the operating situation in research
    High-speed railway safety measure technology is the train accident, environmental impact, train, personnel management, and other operating state data, on the basis of comprehensive evaluation about the present situation of high speed railway, forecast the future development trend. So reason measurement technology for objective evaluation of high speed railway safety operation level will help correct understanding of high-speed railway security status, found problems of high speed railway operation, reduce operating risk of high speed railway. Research of high speed railway safe operation measure technology is a comprehensive analysis of high-speed railway system, the subjective and objective factors affecting safe operation, on the basis of the index according to the representative of strong, easy to quantify, data acquisition is convenient wait for a characteristic to establish index system of high speed railway safe operation, and by using mathematical method of fuzzy identification, establish the measure model of high-speed railway. Because the measure model of high-speed railway has in the past has accident, current state and future safety operation situation changes.
    Keywords  high speed railway   measure model   fuzzy recognition
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1国外铁路安全现状分析    1
    1.2 国内铁路安全现状分析    2
    第二章 高速铁路安全运营的测度指标体系    4
    2.1高速铁路安全运营的评价指标体系    4
    2.2 高速铁路安全运营评价的隐患指标体系    4
    2.2.1 人员管理的评价指标体系    5
    2.2.2 环境影响的评价指标体系    5
    2.2.3 轨道线路的评价指标    7
    2.2.4 车辆安全的评价指标体系    8
    2.3 安全运营的事故指标体系    11
    2.3.1 事故等级的评价指标体系    11
    2.3.2 死亡人数的评价指标体系    12
    2.3.3 事故损失程度的评价指标体系    12
    第三章 基于模糊识别的高速铁路测度方法研究    14
    3.1 模糊评价原理    14
    3.2 模糊识别的指标选取    14
    3.3 模糊识别高速铁路安全运营测度标准的确定    15
    3.4模糊识别的建立    15
    第四章 实例分析    18
    4.1 数据统计    18
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