    毕业论文关键词: 内燃机车;能耗计算;matlab GUI
    Design of Energy Consumption Calculation System for Diesel Locomotive Based on Matlab
    Abstract:In recent years, most of the countries in the world of locomotive internal combustion of gradually improve, railway as the main transport ways has been rapid development. However, with diesel usage increases gradually, how to reduce energy consumption cost, the maximization of economic benefits, has become the most important issue of concern in all countries.The in order to study diesel locomotive in operation in the process of energy consumption, through the use of Matlab GUI function and theoretical principle and formula combination, thus obtains the diesel fuel consumption. The research of locomotive of main types in the example analysis, with the software and achieve the required tasks to check. Because the research object of this paper is predicted in the future will toward the energy-saving direction, so this paper also aimed at the future development of energy-saving on the diesel locomotive lay a theoretical basis.
    KeyWords:Diesel Locomotive; Energy Consumption Calculation; MATLAB GUI
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    内燃机车国内外发展历史    1
    1.3    国内外研究现状与发展趋势    2
    1.4    本文研究的主要内容    4
    2    内燃机车能耗计算基本原理    5
    2.1    内燃机车的分类    5
    2.2    内燃机车基本结构和工作原理    6
    2.2.1    柴油机    6
    2.2.2    传动装置    6
    2.2.3    车体走行部    7
    2.2.4    辅助装置    7
    2.2.5    制动装置    7
    2.2.6    控制装置    7
    2.2.7    内燃机车的工作原理    7
    2.3    内燃机车耗油量计算    8
    2.3.1    牵引运行燃油消耗量    8
    2.3.2    柴油机空转燃油消耗量    9
    2.3.3    电阻制动工况燃油消耗量    10
    2.3.4    单位燃油消耗量    10
    2.4    内燃机车其余能耗参数的计算    12
    2.4.1    内燃机车基本阻力    12
    2.4.2    列车合力与单位合力计算    14
    2.4.3    列车的运行时分    15
    3    内燃机车能耗计算软件设计    16
    3.1    MATLAB介绍及在本文应用    16
    3.2    本文中GUI的应用    16
    3.3    能耗系统软件界面设计    17
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