    LED无线智能控制系统硬件设计摘要: LED作为一种低能耗、高效率的光源,在现代得到广泛的应用。绝大部分LED灯用于直接照明而缺少了一些智能控制,并且也不能对LED灯进行较远距离的手动控制。同时,大部分现代LED灯具的灯光控制系统大多数选用有线控制的方式来控制,无论是对灯具进行调整还是检查都比较麻烦。而且照明系统的通信协议繁琐投资建设和运营的成本也较高。本文根据LED的特性结合当下智能控制的发展设计了一套基于Zigbee的无线智能控制系统。本文通过详细的介绍分析了无线智能控制系统的目的、意义、以及当下时代对于智能控制需求的现状。经过分析Zigbee和其他通讯技术优缺点的对比,对系统的总体方案进行设计,完成了硬件的设计和软件的编程设计。本文采用zigbee无线通信网络代替了原有有线网络的设计,并采用c-free5.0和VB6.0进行软件设计,通过实际实验测试了远程控制功能,并且取得了预期的效果。32469
    毕业论文关键词:  LED;Zigbee;无线网络通讯;远程控制
    LED wireless intelligent control system hardware design
    Abstract: LED as a low-power, high-efficiency light source, widely used in modern. The vast majority of LED lamps for direct illumination and the lack of a number of intelligent control, and can not be compared to LED lamp remote manual control. At the same time, most modern LED lamps lighting control system chosen most wired in a controlled manner to control, both for lighting adjustments or checks are more trouble. And the cost of investment in building and operating cumbersome communication protocols lighting system is also high. In this paper, the current development of intelligent control design wireless intelligent control system based on Zigbee according to the characteristics of the LED. In this paper, a detailed analysis of the current situation introduced wireless intelligent control system purpose, meaning, and the current era for intelligent control requirements. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Zigbee and other communication technologies compared to the overall design of the system plan, complete hardware and software design. In this paper, zigbee wireless communication network instead of the original cable network design and use of c-free5.0 / VB6.0 software design, by actual experiment tested the remote control, and achieved the desired results.
    Keywords:    LED, Zigbee,Wireless network communication ,Remote Control
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    6
    1.1    课题研究的目的与意义    6
    1.2    国内外智能灯光控制研究现状与水平    7
    1.3    课题主要研究和安排    9
    2    LED控制系统方案介绍    10
    2.1    系统需求分析    10
    2.2    系统主要结构    10
    2.3    上位机监控中心    11
    2.4    中间协调模块    11
    2.5    最末端的终端模块    12
    2.6    本章小结    12
    3    Zigbee技术    13
    3.1    ZIGBEE技术概述    13
    3.2    ZIGBEE技术特点    14
    3.3    ZIGBEE协议栈概述    16
    3.4    物理层(PHY)    17
    3.5    媒介接入层(MAC)    19
    3.5.1    服务汇聚层(CS)    19
    3.5.2    MAC公共子层(CPS)    19
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