    毕业论文关键词: 智能小车;DSP;超声波
    Design of intelligent car control system based on DSP
    Abstract:The research of the active collision avoidance technology is very important for improving the initiative safety and reducing traffic accident damage.. The design based on TMS320F28335 as control core, using DSP28335 enhanced pulse modulation module output PWM wave to drive DC motor drive module, the motion state of the control car; using DSP28335 enhanced capture module and ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the distance and synthetic stepper motor to realize the automatic obstacle avoidance function; using DSP28335 enhancement type orthogonal coding pulse unit and a photoelectric encoder speed measurement. To LCD as the car's car monitor, show the car's state, speed, etc.. The initiative obstacle avoidance and vehicle display function of the intelligent car. In the intelligent control of the car to achieve the automatic driving; in the people-oriented operating system, to reduce human operation authority, to prevent misuse of the operator.
    Key words: intelligent car;DSP;ultrasonic
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的意义    1
    1.2  智能车的研究    1
    1.3主动避障技术    2
    1.4 论文的主要工作    2
    2.Dsp与智能小车控制系统    3
    2.1  DSP系统介绍    3
    2.1.1  DSP28335的特点    3
    2.1.2  Dsp的软硬件资源    4
    2.1.3  软件开发环境    5
    2.1.4 DSP的启动方式    5
    2.1.5 dsp中断    6
    2.2智能小车控制系统    8
    2.2.1智能小车控制系统    8
    2.3本章小结    10
    3 电机控制模块    11
    3.1电机控制模块    11
    3.1.1 增强型脉冲调制(ePWM)模块    11
    3.1.2  高精度脉宽调制模块(HRPWM)    12
    3.2电机控制程序    12
    3.2.1 pwm通用 GPIO 配置    12
    3.2.2 pwm子模块配置    13
    3.2.3小车运动控制    13
    3.2.4 pwm模块软硬件联合调试    14
    3.3本章小结    15
    4.智能小车避障模块    17
    4.1超声波测距模块    17
    4.1.1 增强捕获模块(ecap)    17
    4.1.2超声波测距程序    18
    4.2 步进电机模块    21
    4.3 智能小车避障模块    23
    4.3软硬件联合调试    24
    4.4 本章小结    24
    5.智能小车测速模块    25
    5.1测速方法    25
    5.2 eQEP模块    25
    5.3测速程序设计    26
    5.3.1eqep通用 GPIO 配置    26
    5.3.2eQEP 模块配置    26
    5.4软硬件联合调试    27
    5.5本章小结    28
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