    摘 要在现代工业中,金属材料广泛应用于机械、设备、管道、汽车等各类与人类生活息息相关的产品中。由于人们对于产品的安全性和高质量的需求,无损检测技术得到了迅速地发展。超声波无损检测技术,也称超声波无损探伤,作为常规的无损检测技术之一,广泛的应用于工业产品的生产、在线服务、成品的质量监测和性能反馈中,大大地降低了产品的不良率,提高了产业的效益。
    毕业论文关键词:     超声波无损探伤      AT89S52      LabVIEW
    In modern industry, metal materials are widely used in machinery, equipment, pipelines, automobile and other types of products in human lives. Because people have requirements for safety and quality of products , non-destructive testing technology has been rapidly developed. Ultrasonic nondestructive testing technology, also known as ultrasonic nondestructive testing, as one of the conventional non-destructive testing technology, widely used in production, the online service, quality monitoring and performance feedback of finished industrial products, greatly reducing the defect rate of products, improving the effectiveness of the industry.
    This paper starts from how ultrasonic waves generates, how the waves are transmitted and received as well as its physical properties , clarifies the mechanism of ultrasonic nondestructive testing detects and analyzes the basic methods of ultrasonic NDT. A model based on ultrasonic pulse reflection nondestructive testing method, using AT89S52 microcontroller as the core control device, to complete and control the ultrasonic transmitter circuit, signal conditioning circuit, ultrasonic receiver circuit, A / D analog-digital conversion circuits, RS-232 serial communication interface circuits. Selecting LabVIEW virtual instrument technology platform as the PC management software, designing front panel and block diagram, to complete the waveform acquisition, processing and display of the results of ultrasonic NDT.
    Keywords:    Ultrasonic NDT    AT89S52    LabVIEW
    目   录
       摘 要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2    超声波无损探伤国内外研究应用现状    3
    1.3    本课题的主要研究内容    4
    2 超声波无损探伤技术对比分析论证    5
    2.1 超声波无损探伤的检测机理    5
    2.2 超声波无损探伤的基本方法    7
    2.3 超声波探头    11
    3 系统设计方案分析论证    13
    3.1系统硬件结构框图设计    13
    3.2 单片机的选型    13
    3.3 放大器的选型    14
    3.4 A/D选型    15
    3.5 通信接口的选型    15
    4 系统的硬件结构设计    17
    4.1单片机最小系统设计    17
    4.2超声波发射电路设计    19
    4.3限幅保护电路设计    20
    4.4程控增益放大电路设计    21
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