    Intelligent Solar Tracking System
    Abstract: Solar energy is known as the most primitive energy, and it is clean, renewable, rich, and wide distribution and has wide prospects of use. But the solar energy utilization efficiency is low; the problem has been influencing and hindering the popularity of solar energy technology. Solar energy to be automatic tracking system designed to solve the problem provide the new way,which greatly improve the efficiency in the use of solar energy. Therefore the design of a kind of automatic recognition of the intensity of the sunlight and the solar panel can automatically with light intensity while mobile solar panels, the main method is through the addition of photosensitive resistance in the solar energy board, let STC89C52 read through the AD conversion chip, and then read into the AD value through the analysis of CPU algorithm if the resistance value, or about resistance difference exceeds a certain range to control 2 stepper motor linkage operation, so as to achieve the purpose of automatic tracking.
    KeyWords: SCM; photosensitive resistance; solar panel ;AD conversion chip ;stepper motor
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1.    课题背景    1
    1.1.1    能源现状及发展    1
    1.1.2    我国太阳能资源    2
    1.1.3    太阳能国内外发展    2
    1.1.4    本设计的内容以及应用领域    3
    1.1.5   课题研究的目的和意义4
    1.1.6   本论文的主要研究内容..4
    2.    系统总体设计    4
    2.1.    系统总体设计要求和分析    4
    2.1.1    系统总体设计要求    4
    2.1.2   系统总体设计分析.5
    3.    系统的硬件设计    5
    3.1    器件的选型    5
    3.1.1    AT89C51 单片机的特点及工作原理..6
    3.1.2    步进电机驱动ULN2803芯片的选用及简介.6
    3.1.3    AD芯片PCF8591.7
    3.1.4    步进电机..7
    3.1.5    光敏电阻..8
    3.2    光电转换电路设计    ..9
    3.3    电机驱动电路设计    11
    3.4    系统硬件电路及机械部分设计    13
    4.    系统的软件设计    14
    4.1   程序算法的简单介绍....14
    4.2   系统软件程序设计15
    4.3   软件调用子程序..16
    5.   设计系统调试18
    5.1   硬件部分调试...18
    5.1   软件部分调试......18
    6.   结论,,19
    致谢    20
    参考文献    20
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