    摘  要:随着人们生活越来越好,温控系统也在不断地创新和改进。温度系统已经深入我们的生活的各个领域,尤其是我们日常生活息息相关的室内温度,虽然温度我们看不到摸不着,但是这是我们都要面对的一个问题,一个环境的温度舒适程度能够影响我们的情绪以及工作学习效率。在温控系统中,STC89C52和DS18B20时经常会使用的两个元器件。本设计是以STC89C52作为基础,通过DS18B20收集室内的温度并通过相应处理,当室温超出原有的设定值范围时,就会发出报警。本设计相当于一个简易的空调系统,以此来提醒人们温度是否在规定的正常内。进而可以节省人力和电力,降低浪费,尽可能充分利用资源。35005
    The indoor Temperature Control System Design
    Abstract: As people life is getting better and better, the temperature control system is in constant innovation and improvement. Temperature system has been deeply all areas of our lives, especially in the indoor temperature, which is closely linked to our daily life though we can't see the scratching, but this is we have to face a problem, an environment temperature comfort level can affect our mood and efficiency of work and study. In the temperature control system, STC89C52 and DS18B20 is often used when two components. This design is based on STC89C52 as foundation, through DS18B20 collecting indoor temperature and through the corresponding processing, when the room temperature is beyond the scope of the original value, will send out alarm. The design of the air conditioning system is equivalent to a simple, in order to remind people whether within the prescribed normal temperature. , in turn, can save the manpower and electric power, reduce waste, make full use of resources as much as possible.
    Key Words: STC89C52; Temperature control system;The sensor
    目    录

    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1.研究设计的概述    2
    1.1设计的背景及目的    2
    1.2设计要求    2
    2.系统整体的方案    3
    2.1方案的选择    3
    2.2方案的确定    3
    2.3单片机发展及应用    3
    3.系统硬件设计    5
    3.1系统硬件电路框图    5
    3.2各部分硬件电路设计    5
    3.2.1时钟电路设计    5
    3.2.2系统复位电路    6
    3.2.3报警与控制电路设计    7
    3.2.4LED显示电路设计    7
    3.2.5温度检测电路设计    8
    3.2.6按键电路设计    9
    4.软件设计    9
    4.1主程序设计    9
    4.2各个模块子程序设计    10
    4.2.1温度采集程序    10
    4.2.2数码管显示模块    11
    4.2.3温度处理程序    11
    5.系统调试    11
    5.1 测试环境及工具    11
    5.2 测试方法    12
    5.3测试结果分析    12
    6. 结束语    12
    参考文献    13
    附录    13
    附录1  电路原理图    13
    附录2  系统仿真图    13
    附录3  实物图    14
    附录4  主程序    14
    致谢    25
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