    毕业论文关键词: 客车车轮;车轴;有限元分析;静强度分析
    The Structure Design and Finite Element Analysis of Passenger Wheelset at the Speed of 100km/h
    Abstract:With the fast development of high speed passenger rolling stock, the reliability of key parts of the rolling stock has become the concern of the people. The wheel set is composed of axles and wheels by interference fit. The full weight of rolling stock is applied in rail through wheel set ,so it has played a key role in the operation safety and reliability of the rolling stock directly .In the development of high speed passenger rolling stock ,we should pay special attention to the strength problem of wheel set .Therefore, we should check the strength and do necessary test analysis at the design stage .Based on this ,the thesis focuses on the theoretical analysis of wheel set of passenger rolling stock bogie .The experience of the traditional design and analysis of manual calculation is difficult to meet the design requirements of high performance of train wheel set . Through the finite element analysis software to analyze the stress of wheel set will greatly reduce the manpower, financial resources, and makes the analysis results more close to the actual situation .This article will introduce the study on development status of strength analysis of high speed passenger rolling stock wheel set .Using UG for modeling ,ABAQUS for finite element analysis and test the static strength of wheel set ,which has practical engineering value.
    KeyWords:passenger rolling stock wheel ;axle ;finite element analysis ;static strength analysis
    1    绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 课题研究内容    4
    1.4 课题技术线路    4
    1.5 章节安排    5
    2    轮对结构设计    6
    2.1 轮对基本组成及相关要求    6
    2.2 车轮结构设计    7
    2.3 车轴结构设计    9
    3    车轮强度分析    13
    3.1 有限元法及有限元分析软件Abaqus简介    13
    3.2 车轮强度计算模型    15
    3.3 车轮有限元模型    16
    3.4 车轮静强度评价结果    17
    3.5 分析结果    19
    3.6 影响车轮受力的因素    19
    3.7 本章小结    20
    4    车轴强度分析    21
    4.1 车轴受力分析    21
    4.2 车轴弯矩计算    22
    4.3 车轴强度计算分析    23
    5    总结与展望    25
    致谢    26
    参考文献    27
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