摘要目前,汽车领域的发展非常之迅速,而且性能价格也非常合理,当然汽车的用户 则随之增多。由于以上原因,停车的问题日益严重,这将导致城市的交通及发展等众 多问题。虽然各城市都在大力的修建停车场、停车库之类的设施。但问题还是很难解 决,停车混乱无序,这就需要智能化来更好地管理停车。本文是介绍智能车辆收费系 统的设计与研究。84532
本设计是使车库收费智能化,该系统对出入的车辆进行识别并计费。本设计是基 于 51 单片机微控制器、RC522 射频识别系统以及虚拟仪器为核心,系统硬件电路包 括液晶显示电路、USB 转串口电路、RC522 射频电路等。用 RC522 识别用户信息, 并在显示屏上实时显示,通过上位机软件以及数据库软件进行监控。
本系统能够实现智能收费,并在此基础上通过上位机以及数据库在电脑上进行操 作。经验证,该系统使用方便,并且具有较高的稳定性。在实际应用中也具有十分良 好的前景。将该系统用于车库收费,可以实现停车收费的智能与高效化。
毕业论文关键词:51 单片机;射频识别;上位机;数据库
Abstract With the rapid development of the automotive industry, the price of cars has been reasonable, which leads to the tremendous increase of car users。 For these reasons, the ever-growing parking problems will cause a number of urban development and transport issues。 While many cities are seeking the solutions of these problems by building parking garage or like facilities。 But the problem is difficult to tackle。 Parking disorder requires intelligence system to make better parking strategy。 This paper describes the design and research of intelligent vehicle charging and parking system。
This design makes the garage charge intelligent, and it also focuses on vehicle identification and billing。 The core of the design is based on 51 MCU, RC522 radio frequency identification systems, and virtual instruments。 System hardware comprises a liquid crystal display circuit, USB-to-serial circuit, and RC522 RFID circuit。 RC522 is employed to identify user information, and make real-time display on the display。 The system performs monitor function via PC software and database software。
This system makes intelligent charging possible。 It also supports operations through the host computer and a database on a computer。 The system has been tested and proven to be easy to use and has high stability。 The practical marketing prospects of the system is good。 The system will be used for parking charges and make it intelligent and more efficient。
Keywords:51MCU; RFID; Upper computer; Data base
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景及其意义 1
1。2。1 国内外的现状 1
1。2。2 发展趋势 2
1。3 国内外研究现状 2
1。4 本章小结 3
第二章 系统整体设计方案的选择与论证 4
2。1 系统的整体方案 4
2。2 各模块的方案选择与论证 4
2。2。1 控制器芯片选型 4
2。2。2 识别控制器的选型 5
2。2。3 显示模块的选型 8
2。2。4 上位机技术的选型