    The design and application of ultrasonic ranging system
    Abstract:This paper realizes the design of the safety system based on ultrasonic, and uses ultrasonic to measure the distance of distance obstacle, and gives the corresponding tips to achieve the purpose of reversing the safety of the car The system takes the STC90C516RD+ micro-controller as the core, uses the HC-SR04 ultrasonic integrated module to obtain the rear obstacle distance. In addition, the system is equipped with a 1602 LCD, to achieve the rear distance and the current security status of the instructions. When the rear obstacle is less than the limit, the alarm device realized by the buzzer starts to sound, to remind the driver.
    The basic principle of ultrasonic ranging, the principle of LCD1602 liquid crystal display, and the principle of buzzer alarm are described in this paper And the system of the integration of the above module for a system. The modules of the system are described in detail In the software design, the software architecture is described in detail
    After testing, the system is easy to install, easy to remove and install, and work normally, to meet the design requirements.
    Key words: auto reverse; SCM; ultrasonic; buzzer alarm; LCD instruction
    目录    - 5 -
    1 绪论    - 1 -
    1.1 课题背景    - 1 -
    1.2 倒车检测技术的发展    - 1-
    1.3 本课题的研究思路    - 1 -
    1.4 论文主要工作    - 2 -
    2 超声波倒车安全系统方案设计    - 3-
    2.1 总体设计原则    -3 -
    2.2 系统总框图    - 3 -
    2.3 各模块方案选择    - 4 -
    2.3.1 电源电路的选择    - 4-
    2.3.2 单片机的选择    - 5 -
    2.3.3 障碍物检测电路的选择    - 6 -
    2.3.4 显示电路的选择    - 6 -
    2.3.5 报警电路的选择    -6-
    2.4 主要模块设计原理    - 7 -
    2.4.1 单片机选择    - 7 -
    2.4.2 超声波模块HC-SR04测距原理    - 10 -
    2.4.3 蜂鸣器报警原理    - 12 -
    2.4.4 LCD1602液晶显示原理    - 13 -
    3 超声波倒车系统硬件设计    - 17 -
    3.1 电源电路    - 17 -
    3.2 单片机最小系统    - 18 -
    3.3 超声波测距电路    - 21 -
    3.4 显示电路    - 21-
    3.5 报警电路    - 23 -
    3.6 系统整体硬件电路图    - 24 -
    4 超声波倒车系统软件设计    - 24 -
    4.1 系统主程序流程图    - 24 -
    4.2 超声波测距    - 25 -
    4.3 报警功能流程    - 27 -
    4.4 系统管理任务流程    -29 -
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