    摘要:    本课题主要研究当下的主流热点—智能家居,生活智能化已经是人们对生活的迫切要求。本文提出了系统的模拟智能家居,使用cc2530作为硬件,IAR810为开发环境,模拟客厅和厨房的场景。Zigbee具有布线灵活,成本低,可扩展性好等优点。ZigBee是一种新兴的无线传感器网络技术,专注于短距离,低速率的无线通信网络。如今,ZigBee已经广泛的被应用于消费电子控制,能源监测,商业和室内自动化以及工业化生产过程中。课题难点在于分析智能家居系统需求,设计ZigBee 协议整体框架结构。对节点硬件功能需求的分析,针对不同的硬件需求完成了智能家居传感器硬件电路设计,完成终端节点核心电路设计以及不同功能模块传感器电路设计, 且给出详细的设计方案。实验过程中遇到了很多调试上的困难,但是最终调试成功。最终成功模拟了智能家居在家庭生活中的场景。36998
    毕业论文关键词:    智能家居;zigbee;物联网;远程控制
    Small family information collection system based on CC2530
    Abstract:     This topic mainly studies the current mainstream- smart home, intelligent life has been the urgent request of people's life. This paper presents a system simulation of smart home, using cc2530 as hardware and IAR810 asdevelopment environment, simulation of the sitting room and kitchen. Zigbee has advantages of flexible wiring, low cost, good scalability etc. ZigBee is a new kind of wireless sensor network technology, focusing on the short distance, low rate of the wireless communication network. Nowadays, ZigBee has been widely used in consuming electronic control, energy monitoring, commercial and interior and industrial production process automation. Difficulty of Subject lies in the analysis of smart home system requirements, the overall frame structure design ZigBee agreement.For functional requirements analysis of hardware node , in view of the different hardware requirements to complete the smart home sensor hardware circuit design, complete the terminal node core circuit design and function module, sensor circuit design and detailed design scheme is given. The experimental process encountered many difficulties of debugging, but the final debugging  
    success. Finally successfully simulated the scenario in the intelligent household of family life.
    Keywords:    Smart Home System;Zigbee; Internet of things; Remote control
    目录    III
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外发展状况    1
    1.2.1 国外发展状况    1
    1.2.2 国内发展状况    2
    1.3 论文的内容和结构安排    2
    2 Zigbee无线传输技术和以太网介绍    3
    2.1 什么是ZIGBEE以及ZIGBEE的用途    3
    2.2 无线个域网与蓝牙和IEEE 802.11    4
    2.3 短距离无线网络    5
    2.4 无线个域网和IEEE802.15.4标准之间的关系    5
    2.5 无线个域网和IEEE 802.15.4通讯基础知识    7
    2.5.1 CSMA-CA    7
    2.5.2 指示网络和无指示网络    7
    2.5.3 数据传输方式    8
    2.5.4 数据验证    9
    2.5.5 寻址    10
    2.6 ZIGBEE协议栈    10
    2.6.1 物理层(PHY)    10
    2.6.2 介质接入控制子层(MAC)    11
    2.6.3 网路层(NWK)    11
    2.6.4 应用层(APL)    11
    2.7 以太网简介    11
    2.7.1 以太网拓扑结构    11
    2.7.2 以太网的工作原理    11
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